Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost to implement both of the above pay steps is <br />about $66,000 as shown below. <br />Step Estimated Cost <br />1. Elimination of Salary Grade 57 $46,207 <br />2. Implementation of $20,798 as minimum <br />salary for a permanent employee $20,124 <br />Total $66,331 <br />Of these funds, $62,099 is available in the reserve fund the Board established in the 2000-01 <br />budget for this purpose. The Manager will identify funds internally from the approved 2000-01 <br />to address the additional $4,000 required <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board adopt the following steps <br />effective July 1, 2000 to address the salaries of the County's lowest paid permanent employees. <br />- Step 1 -Eliminate the County's lowest salary grade (grade 57). Move current <br />employees and positions at that salary grade to the next higher grade (grade 58) and <br />grant a one step (about five percent) salary increase with the move. <br />- Step 2 -Establish $20,798 as the minimum County salary for a permanent employee <br />and increase the salary of any current employee whose salary is still below that salary <br />after the application of Step 1 above to that salary. <br />