Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 3 <br />EXCERPT FROM SECTION IV-S-3-1 (ROADS) OF THE ORANGE COUNTY, NC <br />SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS (AS AMENDED) <br />In determining whether to permit, private <br />roads in subdivisions, the following design <br />features will be considered: <br />1. <br />The location and design of the <br />subdivision is such that it clearly <br />preserves the rural character of the <br />County through: <br />a. The provision of lot sizes and building <br />setback lines significantly greater than <br />required by ordinance provisions. <br />Compliance with this standard is <br />assured in University ~.ake Watershed <br />where a subdivision is required to <br />provide a minimum required lot size of <br />eve acres.' <br />Where the minimum required lot size is <br />less than five acres, compliance is <br />assured when each lot in the subdivision <br />contains at least twice the minimum <br />required lot size: for example, if the <br />minimum required lot size is two acres, <br />and each lot contains at least four acres, <br />compliance is assured;Z and/or <br />'This provision does not state that the <br />University Lake Watershed is the only area <br />where twice the minimum lot size is required <br />in order far a subdivision proposing access <br />via a private road fo gain approval. !t is <br />used as an example that in the University <br />Lake Watershed, rural character is <br />preserved due to the fact that the minimum <br />lot. size required is five acres. Doubling the <br />lot size is not required because five acre <br />tats or larger would be considered bw <br />density. <br />2The "double lot size" requirement has been <br />required in other subdivisions where a <br />private road is proposed in lieu of a public <br />road. In this case, staff notes that the <br />40, 000 square foot (. 92 acre) lot minimum <br />must be 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres). <br />7 <br />There are six (6) other requirements for Private Road Justification and are as follows: <br />