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2~ <br />1 Kirk pointed out that the Concept Plan had nine lots and the Preliminary Plan has eight lots. The <br />2 ninth lot has been combinedwith an existing lot. There aze now no easements for septic <br />3 Systems. <br />5 Preston said that she was pleased to see landscaping information about the buffers. She is <br />s concerned that some of the plants thax are along Sunrise Road aze going to suffer and probably <br />7 die. She wished it had been a mixed planting and not just the cypresses, She was also surprised <br />$ that the landscaping was already done when the Planning Board had not yet approved the plan. <br />9 She is also concerned about the storm drainage easement that goes all the way through the site, <br />I o under the road, and through lot seven. She asked what it :would actually do to lot seven. <br />11 <br />12 Ernie Dodson, who works with Phil Post, said that there was only a pipe underneath the right-of <br />13 way under the mad. The casement across lot seven follows the natural drainage area through the <br />is Iot. The house on Iot seven is located near the setback line in order to take advantage of suitable <br />15 soils for agravity-feed septic system. <br />ib <br />17 Barrows aslted for clarification oa Preston's concerns about the planting. <br />I$ <br />i 9 Preston made reference to the agenda abstract and said that maples and water oaks were not <br />20 suitable to go underneath power lines, She said that. the planting should not be up on a-berm.. <br />2I <br />Z2 ~ Benedict said that the applicant had no approval to do the planting before the Planning Board and <br />23 the County Commissioners approved the subdivision. He said that the applicant had no vested <br />2a rights of continuing the plan until it was approved. He said that the board could suggest mixed <br />zg planting schemes withAUt berms, and this could be one of the conditions for approval of the <br />26 project. <br />27 <br />28 MOTION: Preston moved to accept the staffs recommendation to approve the <br />29 Preliminary Plan for Sunrise Springs with the change that the type <br />3o A buffer along Sunrise Road is to be reconstructed to be mixed <br />3 I pleating of small, deciduous trees and small evergreen trees, not on <br />32 a berm. Seconded by Katz. <br />33 <br />3a Strayhom agaves with the composition of the plants, but he thinks that the berals should stay <br />3S because they pmovide privacy. Preston ~cplained haw berms could cause the trees to die. <br />36 <br />37 Ernie Dodson sgid that the intent of the berms was for noise control because of haw close the <br />38 subdivision is to I~40: He asked if the berms could stay and the cypresses could just be <br />39 interspersed with other trees. . <br />40 <br />al Katz asked about the responsibility of the developer in maintaining the buffer in the future. <br />42 <br />a3 Emie Dodson said that the wan~aaty period was generally one year. <br />44 <br />45 Katz is opposed to the beam because the plants would die. <br />46 <br />a7 Goodwin said that he thinks it is micromanaging to say that berms can or cannot be in a <br />a$ development <br />a9 <br />