Orange County NC Website
9 <br />County shall not require the area in the reserved 50-foot right-of--way to be used <br />for future connectivity if the conservancy so notes in writing to the County that <br />access at that point is not necessary. The Homeowners Association may use the <br />area in the dedicated right-of-way as a pedestrian or vehicle access easement, <br />ar it may split the area in the easement and convey it in an equal portions to lots <br />32 and 33. <br />C. Land Use Buffers and Landscaping <br />1. Landscaping shall be installed or preserved as indicated on an approved <br />landscape plan and must be inspected and approved by the Planning <br />Department prior to Final Plat approval and again prior to the transfer of control <br />of the Homeowners Association from the developer to the home owners as <br />provided by the recorded Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions <br />for The Wavdlands Subdivision. Landscaping shall include a 30-foot buffer along <br />all internal, major local roads such as Woodgate Drive. <br />OR <br />A letter of credit or escrow agreement or other security shall be submitted to <br />secure the required landscape installation and preservation. An estimate of the <br />cost for required preservation, new plantings, and their installation must be <br />provided. The financial guarantee shall reflect 11 p percent of the estimate and <br />must be issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do business in <br />North Carolina <br />2. Provisions for protection of existing trees as shown on the approved landscape <br />plan, including existing trees within the tree conservation buffer areas, shall be <br />included in a document describing development restrictions and requirements to <br />be prepared by Planning Staff and recorded concurrently with the Final Plat. The <br />developer or his contractor shall clearly demarcate those trees intended to be <br />saved, with brightly colored tree protection fencing or flagging to match the <br />approved landscape plan. Tree protection measures must be installed and in <br />place, and approved in the field by Orange County Planning 'and Inspection staff <br />prior, to any the commencement of any grading. The developer or his contractor <br />must repair or replace any trees or portions of trees, designated as °to be saved," <br />that are damaged during the construction and installation of roads and related <br />infrastructure. <br />D. Drainage <br />Impervious surface data for all lots, pursuant to Article 6.23 Extra Requirements <br />for ~IUai~ersh Protection Overlay Districts of the Orange County Zoning <br />Ordinance, shall be included in the development restrictions and requirements <br />document to be prepared by Planning Staff and rec:arded concurrently with the <br />Final Plat. The impervious surface limitations for each lot shall indicate whether <br />the impervious surface includes or excludes one-half (1/2) of the roadway width <br />in the calculations. <br />2. Drainage easements shall be located as required following review and approval <br />of the Erosion Control Plan. <br />