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4 <br />9. Submit verification that the requirements of NCGS Chapter 70 Article 3 Unmarked Human Burial and <br />Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act have been met or will be met. <br />Second Action: <br />• Planning Board consideration of the Preliminary Plat, on May 4, 2000, resulted in a tie vote (4-4). <br />• Planning Board discussion focused on the requirements for, and impact of, a Jones Ferry Road <br />turning lane, which resulted in a tie vote. Planning Staff has recommended the need for a left <br />turn lane. <br />• The Application is forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with the Planning Board <br />minutes, and the Planning Staff recommendations and resolution for approval. <br />Third Action: <br />Board of County Commissioners considered the Preliminary Plat, on June 6, 2000, and deferred <br />their vote for additional analysis on four issues. <br />(a) Potential Impact to adjacent properly owners <br />1.) Verification of existing drainage ditch <br />2.) Potential for increased stormwater runoff <br />3.) Impact of turn lane <br />4.) Potential for significant tree loss and negative impact on existing wildlife populations <br />(b) Traffic Impact of Subdivision <br />(c) Clarification of Planning Board discussion and intent of tie vote <br />(d) Explanation of lot size <br />Staff Findings• <br />(a) Planning 8~ Erosion Control Staff visited the' Cox properly on Tuesday, June 14, 2000 - <br />1.) A manmade ditch extends northwest along low section of property near bam (See photo 1) <br />2.) The northern third of proposed lots will drain north toward Cox property per construction drawings <br />• Physical topography is more complex than contour lines on construction drawings document <br />• Potential impact to Cox property is difficult to determine with accuracy, project engineer may have to <br />adjust plans as work progresses and drainage patterns become more evident (See memos from <br />Warren Faircloth, Erosion Control Supervisor) <br />3.) Driveway far O'Daniel property is located slightly southwest of high point in Janes Feny Road <br />• Nine Gates Road is situated just beyond (further west) of O'Daniel property (See photo 2) <br />• If designed and constructed properly, left turn lane will likely drain southwest along Jones Ferry <br />Road <br />4.) Existing tree line extends beyond fi0-foot Nine Gates right-of-way on either side (See photo 3) <br />• Extent of tree line varies along length of road <br />• There appears to be no less than 3 feet of wooded area between edge of right-of--way and O'Daniel <br />property many one area (See photo 4) <br />(b) Anticipating nine trips per day, per lot, the 41-lot subdivision could generate approximately 369 <br />additional car-trips along Jones Feny Road (See photos 5, 6--Jones Feny Road at the entrance to Nine <br />Gates Road) <br />(c) The Planning Board, at a special mid-month meeting on June 2.1, 2000, clarified the intent of their tie <br />vote on The Woodlands Preliminary Plat proposal (May 4, 2000 meeting). <br />• The Planning Board Chair stated that the left turn lane was the source of disagreement. <br />• The applicant has since agreed to install the turn lane and has addressed neighbor <br />opposition to the turn lane. <br />• The Board°s voted unanimously on June 21, 2000 to recommend the project for approval. <br />• (See enclosed June 21 minutes, attachment 12 ~ 13. <br />(d) Lot size and number determined at the concept plan approval stage (Refer to previous sections of staff <br />report) <br />