Orange County NC Website
Terms of this contract are consistent with previous renewals, with one exception. From time to <br />time, the Firm may find itself involved in a matter that presents a conflict of interest to the <br />parties. In such cases, the Firm may choose to contract with another attorney to provide the <br />needed services. In-such instances, the Firm is authorized to contract with a third party <br />attorney for an amount not to exceed $150 per hour, which is a customary and reasonable <br />hourly rate for attorneys in the area. County Commissioners will be asked to approve any fee <br />above $150 per hour in the event of such an ,occurrence. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Funds to support legal services are budgeted in the Central Services <br />budget. Expenditure levels may vary according to the type, number and complexity of the <br />various issues the County Attorney is asked to consider each year. Historically, expenditures <br />will range from $115,000 to $140,000 annually. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the contract for <br />legal services with the firm of Coleman, Gledhill ~ Hargrave; and authorize the Chair to sign on <br />behalf of the Board. <br />