Agenda - 09-05-2000-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 09-05-2000
Agenda - 09-05-2000-9b
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9/2/2008 5:33:44 AM
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8/29/2008 11:20:44 AM
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Minutes - 09-05-2000
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-076 Resolution approving The Woodlands (Formerly Nine Gates) Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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8 <br />OR <br />A letter of credit ar escrow agreement or other security shall be submitted to <br />secure construction of Nine Gates Road, Woodgate Drive, Stanegate Drive, <br />Summergate Circle, and a left turn lane on Janes Ferry Road, to NCDOT <br />standards. An estimate of the construction cost must be prepared by a <br />certified/licensed engineer or grading contractor and submitted to the Orange <br />County Planning Department. The financial guarantee must reflect 110 percent <br />of that estimate and be issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do <br />business in North Carolina. <br />The document describing development restrictions to be recorded with the Final <br />Plat shall state that .the financial guarantee will not be released until the road <br />construction has been inspected and approved by NCDOT. <br />2. An erosion control plan for construction of Nine Gates Road, Woodgate Drive, <br />Stonegate Drive, and Summergate Circle shall be submitted by the applicant to <br />the Orange County Erosion Control Division for review and approval. <br />3. Prior to any construction or any alteration of any existing access within the right- <br />of-way Jones Feny Road, the developer/owner shall secure a driveway permit <br />from the NCDOT District Office. A copy of the NCDOT-approved permit and <br />letter to the Planning Department shall be submitted at the same time as the <br />request for Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. Sight distance <br />triangles shall be shown at all intersections within the subdivision, or included <br />within the right-af--way of the proposed street. <br />4. Access to all lots shall be from internal subdivision roads, Woodgate Drive, <br />Stonegate Drive, and Summergate Circle, exclusively. Driveway cuts must be a <br />minimum of 50 feet from street intersections. <br />5. An approved street name sign shall be erected at the intersections of: Janes <br />Ferry Road (SR 1942) and Nine Gates Road, Woodgate Drive and Nine Gates <br />Raad, Stonegate Drive and Woodgate Drive (in two locations), and Summergate <br />Circle and Woodgate Drive, as required in Section IV-B-3-c-12 St eet Name <br />S_S_ _ians of the Orange County Subdivision Regulations. The applicant shall submit <br />either evidence that the sign is in place or a receipt for purchase of the sign prior <br />to Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. <br />6. The applicant shall construct a left turn lane on Janes Feny Road (SR 1942) to <br />NCDOT standards prior to recordation of Final Plat. This may be accomplished <br />by enlarging the travel way an equal amount on either side of the existing <br />pavement for the distance necessary for the turn lane. <br />7. The proposed 50-foot right-of--way between lots 32 and 33 and noted as <br />"reserved for possible .future dedication" shall be formally dedicated to the <br />Homeowners Association as a condition of Final Plat approval for the <br />construction of a future road: The proposal shall include 10-foot construction <br />easements on each side of the dedicated right-of-way. <br />If the large tract of property currently awned by Elinor Irvin (TM 7.118..25), and <br />located east of The Woodlands subdivision, is conveyed (donated or sold) to the <br />Triangle Land Conservancy or a similar land conservancy organization the <br />
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