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13 <br />1 Commissioner Brown asked Craig Benedict to be specific about what these amendments would <br />2 do. Craig Benedict said that most of the changes will benefit the ordinance and that there would be a <br />3 clearer process for enforcement of the ordinance. <br />a A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to refer the <br />s Orange County Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control amendments to the Planning staff to receive <br />6 further input from the public prior to it being returned to the County Commissioners for consideration of <br />~ adoption no sooner than June 29, 2000. <br />s VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />9 <br />10 ~ d. Consideration of the Neuse River Basin Storm Water Control Ordinance <br />11 Craig Benedict presented a summary of the information in the agenda. He said that this was <br />12 the start of a process that would continue for the next six months. These are rules that have been <br />13 developed by the state to be enforced by the County. These rules were put forward over the last four <br />14 or five years primarily for nitrogen control within the water basin. He said that if the County does not <br />15 adopt its own rules, the state would review all applications for subdivisions within Orange County. The <br />16 staff is suggesting that there be a storm water program to implement at the local level, reducing the <br />17 amount of nitrogen that goes into the water basin. The staff is evaluating some storm water <br />18 management programs with Chapel Hill and Carrbaro to talk about how best to manage erosion control <br />19 and the amount of nitrogen that gets into the water basin. He said that the County could hire Triangle J <br />20 Council of Governments to help in the outreach programs. In August he will bring back a document in <br />zl ordinance format. At that time, the Planning Staff will ask for permission to transmit this to the state for <br />22 review and comment. <br />z3 Commissioner Gordon said that this program was the same one that she heard about at a <br />24 Triangle J Council of Governments meeting. She asked for an analysis of what affect this program <br />25 would have on Orange County. She feels that it will have a profound effect vn the amount of <br />26 development. She also asked for a bigger picture of how the standards are stricter upstream. <br />27 Craig Benedict said that he would put an analysis together on the program's effect on Orange <br />2s County's development. <br />29 Commissioner Jacobs said that there was a discussion at Triangle J about impervious surFace <br />30 storm water runoff per acre and whether or not this might mitigate against infill. There was also a <br />31 discussion about whether or not there could be an average across the jurisdiction as apposed to per <br />32 acre, and having a transfer of storm water rights from a rural area to an urban area so that there could <br />33 be infill and provide the same impervious surtace in the County. <br />34 Chair Carey clarified that this program submission was not due to the state until August 19'". <br />35 The state will then review it and return it. The program will be implemented in Orange County by March <br />36 1, 2001. <br />37 Chair Carey said that the Cape Fear Storm Water Control Ordinance might have a greater <br />3s effect on Orange County than this one. He feels that this ordinance should be monitored very closely. <br />39 Craig Benedict explained the process that would be followed. The model program will be <br />4o refined over the next few months. <br />41 A motion was made by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Jacobs to transmit <br />a2 the Neuse River Basin Storm Water Control Ordinance to the State NCDENRNVQ for review and <br />43 comment prier to being returned to the County Commissioners for consideration of final adoption no <br />44 sooner than June 29, 2000. <br />45 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />46 <br />47 D. ADJOURNMENT <br />48 With no further items far the County Commissioners to consider, Chair Carey adjourned the <br />49 meeting. <br />so The next meeting on the regular meeting calendar will be held on Thursday, May 25 at 7:30 p.m. <br />s1 in the F. Gordon Battle Courtroom in Hillsborough, North Catalina. <br />s2 Moses Carey, Jr., Chair <br />53 Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk <br />