Orange County NC Website
Recycling Containers: Recycling bins made of rigid plastic construction to be used by residents <br />to set out their Recyclable Materials and provided by County or future landfill administrative <br />government/organization. <br />Residence: Asingle-family home or approved church, school, small business, institution, or <br />small apartment complex within residential sectors of the Towns. The occupant of a Residence <br />shall be referred to as a Resident. <br />Segregated Materials: Recyclable Materials placed in or adjacent to Recycling Container. <br />Set Out: A Set Out shall be defined as having occurred when one Residence places one or more <br />Recycling Containers at the curb for collection. When counting set outs for measuring <br />participation and productivity, Contractor shall count one set out for each residence <br />participating in the program. This count will be based on the number of households or <br />Residences participating, not on the number of Recycling Containers collected. <br />Handicap /Disabled: shall refer to citizens of the Towns who, for the purposes of this <br />agreement, will receive recycling service at their back door or some place other than <br />curbside. County staff will make the determination as to which citizens are eligible for <br />Handicap collection. Said determination will be based upon citizen need, as judged by <br />County staff, and shall generally be based upon the citizen being eligible to receive an <br />handicap parking permit from the NC Division of Motor Vehicles. Additionally, Handicap / <br />Disabled services shall generally not be granted to Residences with able bodied adults in the <br />household. <br />SECTION 2 <br />Term of Agreement <br />The term of the contract will be for one year unless otherwise agreed by the parties; the period from <br />July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2001 assuming that funds are appropriated annually and the <br />performance of the contractor is satisfactory. The level of performance expected is defined in this <br />contract. <br />This service may be extended and/or expanded annually for a period up to two (2) years assuming <br />that the project is successful, County recommends continuing the program and approves funding <br />for each annual term of the contract through their approval of the overa111andfi1l and recycling <br />budget. After two (2) years, contract extension may be negotiated yearly. Certain terms of this <br />contract may be subject to change annually pending notice to the contractor and successful <br />negotiation between the Contractor and County. <br />SECTION 3 <br />Costs of Service <br />The cost of service for July 1, 2000-June 30, 2001 shall be $3.36 per household. Performance <br />Sharing may decrease this cost (see Section 4). <br />The cost of providing curbside recycling service to small businesses, churches, and other <br />institutions that are adjacent to a curbside recycling route will be determined as follows: the cost <br />will be equal to the cost of providing service to a household multiplied by the number of bins <br />assigned to the small business, church, oz institution. For example, during Fiscal Year 2000-2001, <br />