Orange County NC Website
Preparation: Proper and sanitary preparation of all food waste and other materials as compost. <br />processing Center: Location where separated food waste is composted and otherwise processed for use <br />as compost. <br />Separated: Only food waste or other materials agreed upon by the parties and placed in Container(s) or <br />stacked in another approved location; <br />SECTION 2 <br />Term of mep,~ <br />The term of the agreement will be for the period from July 1, 2000, through June 30, 2001, assuming that the <br />performance of the conrtractor is satisfactory. The level of performance expected is defined below. This sernce <br />may be extended if the Orange County Boazd of Commissoners approve funding for each annual term of the <br />contract, through their approval of the overall landfill and recycling budget. Certain terms of this contract may <br />be subject to change axmually, pending notice to the contractor and successful negotiation between the <br />contractor and the County. <br />Actual costs for fimmr years aze to be negotiated arniually. <br />SECTION 3 <br />co f <br />Contractor shall perform Food Wade Collection Services in Orange County as follows: <br />Contractor shall collect and remove upon an agreed upon schedule between the County, Contractor and <br />generators three times per week including Monday and Friday, all .separated food wastes and other <br />specified materials mutually agreed upon by Contractor and the County, unless otherwise agreed to in <br />advance. Said materials must be properly separated and placed in food waste collection containers or other <br />designated separation method, at the designated generator site or from same other specificallyad ~ ~ <br />location. The food waste collection locations at which these sernc~es are perforn~d ~y include any <br />businesses listed in attachment ~-, and any other generators agreed on by nnrtual consort of the County and the <br />Contractor. At a ~ food waste shall be collected finm those generators in ~rt A Other <br />businesses that generate a rrn of two tons per month maybe added to the program <br />SECTION 4 <br />County's Iienresen~, <br />The County's Representative ~ ~ of ~ ~ shall be Toe Clayton, County of Orange Solid <br />Waste Management PO Box 17177 Chapel Dill, NC 27514. Phone nucr-bers 969-2072 or 965- <br />2788. The contract be~between Judy D. Brooks Contractor Inc. and the County of Orange. <br />