Orange County NC Website
`, <br />Solid waste collection and management would continue to be under local government <br />control. It is possible that large increases in recycling may reduce the need for solid <br />waste collection so the local governments may save on collection costs as the rate of <br />waste generation goes down. <br />Processing: <br />If the amount and types of recyclables is increased significantly to reach the overall 61 <br />reduction goal by 2006, then Orange County would need a processing facility to sort out <br />the recyclables and make them'mazket-ready. Collection at the curb or business is, in <br />some ways, the easiest part of the recycling cycle. Processing, sale and reuse are more <br />challenging, since that is where the real "business" of recycling is. Sorting and <br />processing aze especially important if we are ever to achieve along-term stable mazket <br />for mixed paper. <br />The waste lan framework for construction and demolition waste <br />Construction waste makes up approximately one- third of the material we landfill. As <br />much as 70% of this type of waste is recyclable as wood products, scrap metal, <br />construction rock and dirt products. Most of our recycling efforts have concentrated on <br />the other two-thirds of our waste but there is enormous potential in the construction waste <br />sector. <br />Far 2001, the Owners Group has recommended a 20% reduction goal in this sector as <br />part of the overall goal of 45% for all sectors by 2001. We believe that goal could be <br />achieved with a construction materials salvage operation at the landfill and an <br />enforceable solid waste plan requirement for new construction or major renovations and <br />demolitions in all jurisdictions. The County will be considering such an ordinance this <br />yeaz. <br />To help meet the overa1161 % reduction goal by 2006, waste in this sector must be <br />reduced 5$% by 2006, same type of sorting facility would be required to separate and <br />process recyclable materials from mixed construction wastes. <br />