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ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION RE-AFFIRMING THE ADOPTED FRAMEWORK FOR ACOUNTY-WIDE <br />SOLID WASTE PLAN, SPECIFYING PERCENTAGES IN PER CAPITA WASTE REDUCTION <br />GOALS AND AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MANAGER <br />TO SUBMIT THE SOLID WASTE PLAN TO THE STATE. <br />WHEREAS Orange County adopted in 1997 a general waste reduction plan framework as part <br />of its overall solid waste goals and also adopted specific waste reduction goals of 45% per <br />capita by 2001 and 61 % per capita by 2006, and <br />WHEREAS, the State of North Carolina requires a solid waste management plan with specific <br />solid waste reduction goals for 2001 and 2006, and an update to those goals and plan every <br />three years, and <br />WHEREAS, the County actively participates in the County-wide waste reduction programs <br />through promotion of dropoff and curbside recycling and provision of other recycling services, <br />and . <br />WHEREAS, the County has previously adopted a solid waste management plan framework that <br />includes waste prevention measures, collection programs, and processing methods described <br />in attachment A to this resolution, and <br />WHEREAS, successful implementation of a solid waste plan that meets the waste reduction <br />goals would also require cooperation and coordination with all the other local governments in <br />the County and other waste generators throughout Orange County, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County may need to further regulate and control solid waste in order to <br />fully accomplish the waste diversion goals; <br />NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that it <br />hereby reaffirms the framework and goals for a solid waste management plan as adopted <br />originally in 1997 and shown in attachment A, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Orange County continues to use a base year of 1991-92 to <br />calculate waste reduction against, and County-wide goals of 45% solid waste reduction per <br />capita by 2001 and 61 % reduction per capita by 2006, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Orange County will continue to cooperate with other local <br />governments in Orange County in implementing a solid waste management plan that will <br />achieve these goals, and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Orange County Board of Commissioners authorizes the <br />County Manager to submit the solid waste plan to the State. <br />This, the 5th day of September, 2000. <br />