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2s <br />Local Phone Com etition <br />• Local competitors added 65 percent of new business lines in the third quarter of 1999. <br />• In 1996, competitors to the incumbent phone companies had one percent of the local <br />market. <br />- In the second quarter of 1999, competitors reached six percent of the market. <br />• AT&T provides residential local telephone service to 555,000 customers nationwide. <br />- MediaOne provides residential local telephone service to 100,000 customers <br />nationwide. <br />Public Interest Benefits from the AT&T-MediaOne Merger <br />In analyzing the potential public interest benefits from the merger, the FCC found that <br />consumers are likely to benefit from increased local telephone competition. The FCC determined <br />that the combination of AT&T's brand name, expertise and telephony assets with MediaOne's <br />expertise in providing cable telephony, and the economies of scale offered by the merger, is <br />likely to increase these companies' ability to compete successfully against the incumbent LECs. <br />AT&T's success in providing cable telephony over the merged firm's systems also is likely to <br />facilitate its efforts to provide local telephony over other cable operators' networks through <br />contractual arrangements. The FCC concluded that the merger will enable AT&T and MediaOne <br />to provide local telephony competition more effectively than either company could <br />independently or through joint ventures. <br />Broadband <br />In its analysis, the FCC also considered the impact the merged firm will have on broadband <br />services, but declined to impose conditions in this regazd. The FCC discussed the merged entity's <br />ability to provide high-speed Internet access. over a vast cable infrastructure. The merged firm <br />also would have major ownership interests in the nation's two largest cable broadband Internet <br />services providers (ISPs), Excite@Home and Road Runner. Excite@Home and Road Runner are <br />the exclusive ISPs serving broadband subscribers over the cable systems of AT&T, MediaOne, <br />TWE, Cox Corporation and Comcast Corporation, among others. The FCC analyzed the merger <br />as modified by the U.S. Department of Justice's proposed consent decree with the applicants, <br />which requires them to divest their interests in Road Runner no later than December 31, 2001, <br />and to obtain the Justice Department's approval prior to entering certain types of azrangements <br />with America Online and Time Warner that involve broadband services. Given the nascency of <br />broadband Internet services, the FCC concluded that growing competition from alternative <br />broadband access providers, the applicants' commitment to give unaffiliated ISPs direct access to <br />their cable systems, and the terms of the Justice Department consent decree make it unlikely that <br />the merged firm will be able to dominate and threaten the openness and diversity of the Internet. <br />Franchise Fee U-Tax Auditing & Cable Television Administration <br />101 Pocono Lane, Cary, North Carolina 27513-5316 Voice # 919.467.5392 Fax # 919.460.6868 <br />