Orange County NC Website
~. <br />~,j ~i <br /> Public Hearing Ordinance <br />Section 4: Amend Detailed Table of Contents Section 6.24 to read as follows: <br /> . Stream Buffers Outside of Watershed Protection Overlay Districts <br />Section 5: .Amend new. Section 6.24 to include a minimum stream buffer for areas <br /> outside of Orange County Watershed Protection Overlay Districts to read <br /> as follows: <br /> In areas not identified on the Official Zoning Atlas as Watershed <br /> Protection Overlay Districts, a stream buffer a minimum of 30 feet in <br /> width shall be established along both sides of perennial streams and <br /> intermittent streams, or along the FEMA identified floodplains, <br /> whichever is greater. Perennial streams are those streams shown as <br /> solid blue lines, and intermittent streams are those streams shown <br /> as broken blue lines on the USGS Quadrangle maps for Orange <br /> County. <br />Section 6: Amend Detailed Table of Contents Section 6.25 to read as ,follows: <br />Minimum Usable Lot Area for Lots on Ground Absorption <br />Wastewater Systems ' <br />Section 7: Amend the new Section 6.25 to set minimum usable lot area when Ground <br />Absorption Wastewater Systems are used to read as follows: <br />The usable lot for parcels between 40,000 square feet and <br />1.99 acres in size shall be either 30,000 square feet or 40% of the <br />total zoning lot, whichever is greater. Zoning lots two acres and <br />greater shall have a minimum usable lot area of at least 40,000 <br />square feet. <br />Section 8: This ordinance shall be effective upon its adoption. <br />(Signature) <br />Clerk,.Board of County Commissioners <br />(Signature) <br />Chair, Orange County Commissioners <br />f <br />Date and Seal <br />