Orange County NC Website
5: <br />ORANGE COUNrrY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />POST OFFICE BOX 8181 306-F REVERE ROAD <br />HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br />d= - <br />EROSION CONTROL DIVISION <br />Carrboro/Chapel Hill 968-4501 Durham 688-7331 Hillsborough 732-8181 Mebane 227-2031 <br />Telephone Extension 2586 FAX 91944-3002 <br />Memorandum <br />TO: Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />FROM: Warren Faircloth, Erosion Control Supervisor <br />SUBJECT: Woodlands Subdivision <br />Hydrologic & Hydraulic Engineering Report <br />DATE: August 1, 2000 <br />The report answers questions about the culvert under Nine Gates <br />Road but does not address other questions about increased flow <br />through the Cox property. The illustration in the report <br />demonstrates the benefits of using a 54" culvert instead of the 24" <br />pipe to handle the existing flow without overtopping the road. This <br />is a NC DOT requirement. <br />The report just states the increase in the rate of runoff from the <br />8 lots through the Cox property. It does not address the effects, <br />if any, this increase will have on the existing wet soil or on the <br />diversion that conveys runoff in a path different than that shown <br />on the topographic map. (The engineer would not have been aware of <br />this man made diversion unless he went onto the Cox property.) It <br />appears that the increased runoff through the Cox woods and pasture <br />will not will not have significant impact since the flow follows <br />the existing, natural flow path. The path is not developable <br />because of the poor soil and any structures would have to be built <br />outside of the drainageway. <br />The suggestion has been made to retain the temporary sediment basin <br />as a permanent stormwater detention basin above the Cox property. <br />A basin would have to be properly sized, particularly the outlet, <br />to provide any benefits. Given the large lots, retention of <br />vegetation, limits on impervious surface, and use of grass swales <br />the need for a basin is questionable. If provided, the homeowners <br />association should maintain the basin. <br />N57 6-14-00 <br />