Orange County NC Website
5~ <br />ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />POST OFFICE BOX 8181 - 306-F REVERE ROAD <br />HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278. <br />6wwwtr n ~ <br />~~ 'r <br />v <br />~'"re n~wv~ <br />EROSION CONTROL DIVISION <br />Carrboro/Chapel Hill 968501 Durham 688-7331 Hillsborough 732-8181 Mebane 227-2031 <br />Telephone Extension 2585 FAX 919-64A.-3002 <br />Memorandum <br />TO: Craig Benedict, Planning Director <br />FROM: Warren Faircloth, Erosion .Control Supervisor <br />SUBJECT: Woodlands Subdivision <br />DATE: June 14, 2000 <br />On Tuesday afternoon, June 13, 2000, Tina Moon and I met with Lynn <br />Cox to discuss her concerns about the impact of construction and <br />runoff on lien property. <br />The main concern is runoff through her two lots. The site plan <br />proposes to discharge runoff from part of the roads and lots into <br />an existing drainageway through Ms. Cox's woods and pasture. The <br />concern is flooding the pasture and causing wet ground. Based on <br />the information in the site plan and our inspection this is an <br />appropriate location to discharge the runoff since it is the <br />natural path for runoff from the existing topography. The plan <br />incorporates measures to limit the increase in ,runoff (large lots, <br />impervious surface limits, and grass channels); however, <br />development will still increase the rate and volume of runoff. It <br />appears that care and supervision will be necessary ,during <br />construction to ensure that runoff does follow this natural path <br />due to irregularities in the ground below the point of discharge. <br />Another concern is the effect of runoff on the undeveloped lot of <br />Ms. Cox, particularly the septic field. The site and road plans <br />indicates that runoff will be diverted around this lot using the <br />road ditches. Again, care will be required during construction. <br />There are other issues related to construction that are beyond the <br />Department's jurisdiction, such as maintaining access to Ms. Cox's <br />property during construction, ensuring electricity and telephone <br />services are not interrupted by construction, and providing a <br />driveway pipe at the pasture gate. It would be advisable for the <br />developer to initiate contact with Ms. Cox to discuss these issues, <br />particularly the ones that the Department has no jurisdiction over. <br />~ ~ ;~~~" <br />(.LTV ~ <br />X57 6-14-00 <br />