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<br />1 2.During deliberations and consideration of the application the Boazd may defer <br />2 consideration at any point to pursue additional analysis and review. <br />3 3.If the Preliminary Plat is approved by the County Commissioners the applicant shall have <br />4 one (1) year to prepaze and flle a Final Plat or to request none-yeaz extension from the <br />5 Planning Director. <br />6 <br />7 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fiscal Impact Analysis (attached) <br />8 <br />9 RECOMMENDATION: Plannin Staff <br />to Planning Staff <br />11 Approval in accordance with the attached resolution. <br />12 Planning Board <br />13 Tie vote: application forwarded to County Commissioners with Planning Board <br />14 minutes, omly. <br />15 Administration <br />16 Approval in accordance with the attached resolution. <br />17 (includes Reoslution B.6. Requirement for a left turn lane on Jones Ferry Road.) <br />is <br />19 Preston asked how the neighbors became satisfied with the construction of the turn lane, because <br />20 some of them were upset before. <br />21 <br />22 Kim Henry, the developer for The Woodlands, said that the primary resident that was affected by <br />23 the turn lane was Mr. Delos O'Daniel. His pasture would have been encroached upon by <br />24 NCDOT's original specifications. Ms. Henry met with Mike Venable, who was District <br />zs Engineer of NCDOT at the time, and he agreed to a narrower shoulder and ditch width. Mr. <br />26 O'Daniel was satisfied with the adjustment. All of the other neighbors are also satisfied with <br />27 11115. <br />28 <br />29 MOTION: Katz moved to accept the staff's recommendation for the <br />3o Preliminary Plaa of The Woodlands including the left turn lane on <br />31 Janes Ferry Road because both parties have agreed to its <br />32 construction. Seconded by Gooding-Ray. <br />33 <br />3a Strayhom verified that Mr. O'Daniels came to the Board of County Commissioners' meeting and <br />35 that there was agreement to the left turn lane. <br />36 <br />37 VOTE: i.Tnanilno,as <br />38 <br />39 (2) Sunrise Springs <br />40 (Chapel Hill Township - 8 Lots) <br />41 <br />42 Eddie Kirk made the presentation. <br />43 <br />44 PURPOSE: Consideration of the Preliminary Plan for Sunrise Springs Subdivision. <br />45 <br />46 BACKGROUND: <br />47 Re uest - Prelimina Plan <br />48 Applicant: Dr. Wally Diehl <br />