Orange County NC Website
~l~-1 ~~~ <br />2 <br />4 <br />there will be questions and comments by the Planning Boazd. He limited the public input to a <br />total of five minutes for those in favor and another five minutes for those in opposition. <br />AGENDA ITEM #7: COMMITTEE/ADVISORY BOARD REPORTS <br />6 a. Board of Adjustment <br />7 Barrows reported that there was election of officers and a request <br />s for a telecommunications tower that was approved. Howazd <br />9 McAdams is the new Chair. <br />10 b. Agricultural Districts Advisory Board - no meeting <br />11 c. Historic Preservation Commission - no meeting <br />12 d. Ordinance Review Committee - no meeting <br />13 e. Shaping Orange County`s Future, <br />14 Benedict reported that there would be a public hearing on August <br />15 28, 2000 and the Shaping Orange County's Future report will be <br />16 heazd. <br />17 <br />18 AGENDA ITE #8: SUBDIVISIONS <br />19 a. Preliminary Plans <br />20 (1) The Woodlands <br />21 (Chapel Hill Township - 41 Lots) <br />22 <br />23 Chair Allison said that the board agreed on everything but the turn lane on Jones Ferry Road. <br />24 <br />25 Benedict gave an overview of this plan. It was taken to the County Commissioners a couple of <br />26 weeks ago, and the Board, even after an explanation, did not understand that the subdivision was <br />27 adequate, but that the vote was split on the turn lane issue. The applicant agreed to put in the left <br />28 turn lane after the Planning Boazd meeting and before the Boazd of County Commissioners' <br />29 meeting. He asked if the Planning Boazd would approve this plan since the applicant was willing <br />3o to include the turn lane. He said that the Planning Board could have one vote concerning the <br />31 subdivision and one vote concerning the turn lane. <br />3z <br />33 PURPOSE: To consider an application for Preliminary Plat approval of The Woodlands <br />34 <br />35 BACKGROUND: - <br />36 R~, equest Preliminary Plat approval for a conventional major subdivision <br />37 Applicant: Kim Henry, agent for Builders' Mazketing Group, Inc. <br />3s Forty-one (41)single-family residential lots proposed on a 108+ acre tract (TM 7.118..26) <br />39 • 94.8 acres in Orange County; 13.2 acres in Chatham County <br />40 Average Lot Size = 1.673 acres (.Gross Average Lot Size) = 2.634 acres <br />41 Location <br />42 Southwest Chapel Hill Township <br />43 • South side of Jones Ferry Road approximately 900 feet east of Ferguson Road <br />44 • Majority of lots 11 and 12, and portions of lots 13, 21, 22, and 23 in northern Chatham <br />45 County <br />~~ <br />