Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING 8~ INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT <br />Craig N. Benedict, AICP, Director <br />eopnte or ®~ <br />Current Planning ~~ ~ °~ 306E Revere Road <br />(919) 245-2575 u ~ P O Box 8181 <br />(919) 644-3002 (FAx) Hillsborough, <br /> ~'°~rb E.,°<~°° North Carolina, 27278 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Orange County Planning Board <br />FROM: Tina Moon, Planner II <br />DATE: June 14, 2000 <br />SUBJECT: The Woodlands Subdivision <br />The Planning Board reviewed the preliminary plat for The Woodlands, a proposed major <br />subdivision in Chapel Hill Township on its May 4, 2000 regular meeting. The Board's <br />discussion after the presentations focused on the Planning Department's <br />recommendation for a left tum lane on Jones Ferry Road, and resulted in a tie (4-4) vote. <br />In the case of a tie vote, the application is forwarded to the Board of County <br />Commissioners with the Planning Board minutes and the Planning Staff <br />recommendations and resolution for approval. <br />The Board of County Commissioners reviewed the application on June 6, 2000, and <br />deferred their decision until June 29"', requesting additional information in several areas. <br />One area of discussion revolved around the meaning of the Planning Board's tie vote. <br />The applicant has requested that the Board clarify the intent of their tie vote-if the vote <br />represented their approval of the subdivision in general but concern over the turn lane, <br />or if the vote portrayed their denial of the proposed subdivision altogether. The applicant <br />has agreed to construct a left turn lane off of Jones Feny Road to provide safe access <br />into Nine Gates Road, the entrance road for The Woodlands. <br />Please review the Planning Board's minutes regarding this item. A copy of the Planning <br />Board's agenda abstract for The Woodlands is also attached for information. The <br />applicant has requested that the Planning Board reconsider this proposal and vote on <br />the Preliminary Plat for the Woodlands, 41-lot conventional subdivision with a left turn <br />lane off of Jones Feny Road. <br />