Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Subj: FW: ©inor M. Irvin <br />hate: 5/9/00 5:57:17 AM Pacific Daylight-Time <br />From: (David Frankstone) <br />To: khenrydevt7u (' <br />FYI -This is the email that I sent yesterday to the head of OC Planning <br />Department <br />David R Frankstone, Attomey~t-Law <br />870 Airport Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />(919) 988.4717 Fax (919) 929-1415 <br />dfrankstone(~higmlaw. com <br />-~--0riginal Message- <br />Fmm: David Frankstone <br />Sent: Monday, May 08, 2000 5:50 PM <br />To: '' <br />Subject: Elinor M. Irvin <br />Dear Mr. Benedict: <br />I represent Elinor Irvin, on older woman who owns a large farm on Jones <br />Feny Rcad in Orange County. Her land abuts the Indy Cannon property that <br />Kim Henry and her husband propose to subdivide. <br />I believe that a suggestion has been made by the county planning staff that <br />it would be prudent to stub out a road to Mrs. Uvin's boundary. k is that <br />issue that I am writing about. <br />1 have been Mrs. Irvin's lawyer for at least the last 10 years. During that <br />time it has always been her intention to dispose of her property at her <br />death by giving the Earn to the Triangle Land Conservancy. Subdivision of <br />her property would not be permitted, farming and forestry uses could and <br />would be continued as to part of the land and the remainder would be <br />conserved as undeveloped woodland. This is still her intention and I <br />believe that it will continue to be so. <br />So, a road would never cross her property unless the right of way was taken <br />by eminent domain. <br />Thank you. <br />David R Frankstone, Attorney-at-Law <br />870 Airport Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27514 <br />(919) 968~F717 Fax (919) 929-1415 <br /> <br />