Orange County NC Website
BUILDERS' MARK~TIl~TG GROUP, INC. <br />LAND DEVELOPMENT & NEW HOME SALES <br />512 Ironwoods Drive, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (919) 968-4588 (fax) 932-9012 <br />May 9, 2000 <br />Orange County Planning Department <br />Craig Benedict, Director <br />306 F Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear. Craig, <br />I received this e-mail today and am sending this copy to be included in the package that goes to the <br />Commissioners. <br />This does confirm that the Irvin property will, indeed, go to the Triangle Land Conservancy and <br />never be developed. This eliminates the need for the future connector to that property through The <br />Woodlands. This will also calm the fears that adjoining property owners have that traffic other than <br />that generated in The Woodlands. would be using Nine Gates Road as a short-cut to Jones Ferry <br />Road. I would lilge to formally request that the stub-out requirement be dropped from the <br />Prelinvnary Approval conditions. <br />In regard to the Left Tuna Lane, I truly am divided myself - as I stated to the Planning Boarcl, I <br />would like to have that margin of safety for the future Woodlands homeowners but, at the same time, <br />I do not want to be caught between the County saying, `wild it", and adjoining property owners <br />telling me I am facing a court battle to obtain needed construction easements. I have talked with <br />Mike Venable, NCDOT, about the possibility of less invasive road shoulder and ditchline widths that <br />DOT would find acceptable and intend to meet with Mr. O'Daniel next week to see if he would be <br />willing to compromise if I also offer to build a new driveway far him to access Nine Crates. <br />With regards, <br />Kim Henry, president <br />Builders' Marketing Group, Inc, <br />cc: Robert Davis, Tina Moon <br />