Agenda - 08-15-2000-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-15-2000
Agenda - 08-15-2000-9e
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Minutes - 08-15-2000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-071 Resolution approving The Woodlands (formerly Nine Gates) Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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1 Kim Henry, agent for Builder's Mazketing Group, Inc., made reference to the left-hand turn lane <br />2 condition. She said that the construction of this turn lane would be very significant. She agreed <br />3 that the turn lane would be safer, however, there would be quite a bit of impact to the area by the <br />4 construction of the turn lane to NCDOT standazds for a state road with a posted 45-mph speed <br />5 limit. She said that it would require almost 1000 feet on both sides of the road. She said that she <br />6 had no land to dedicate for this construction. She mentioned Mr. Delos O'Daniels, who would <br />7 be most impacted by the construction of the turn lane and is very much against it. She said that <br />s the Planning Department did contact NCDOT District Engineer Mike Venable to inquire as to <br />9 whether the traffic count on Jones Ferry Road did necessitate a turn lane, and he said that it did <br />1o not. She said that all of the other conditions for this subdivision have been met and she just <br />11 wanted to call this particulaz one to the boazd's attention. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Allison read a letter from Delos O'Daniels, stating the opposition to the construction of the <br />14 turn lane. This letter is stated below: <br />15 <br />16 "When I was advised Tuesday night, May 2, 2000 of your total insensitive idea to <br />17 mutilate a stretch of Jones Ferry Road, I was shocked. Since I will be out of town and <br />18 unable to attend your meeting Thursday, May 4~', I wish to enter this letter into the <br />19 minutes of your meeting in opposition to your proposal. If you choose to go forward <br />20 with your proposed action of a 650-foot left turn lane on our property, it will be settled in <br />21 court." <br />22 <br />23 Barrows said that it was interesting that Mr. O'Daniels came at the concept stage and complained <br />24 about the traffic and was worried about the safety. <br />2s <br />26 Goodwin asked to heaz a comment from the staff on the issue of the turn lane. <br />27 <br />28 Benedict said that the staff looks at the size of the project, what road it is on, and the volume of <br />29 traffic on the existing road. He said that there would be a reasonable amount of traffic from this <br />30 subdivision. There would be traffic even at night on Jones Ferry Road coming in from Chapel <br />31 Hill. Based on the concerns of the Planning Boazd and the County Commissioners, the County <br />32 can be more restrictive than NCDOT standards. <br />33 <br />34 Goading-Ray asked if the staff addressed Ms. Cox's concern about access to her land during the <br />35 construction. Henry said that Ms. Cox would always have access. <br />36 <br />37 Benedict said that at last night's meeting, NCDOT was here discussing roads that were built in <br />38 the past, and how some of the private roads were then requested to become public, and the width <br />39 of the roads have been deficient. He said that the 50-foot azea would be used in this case. <br />4o Selkirk asked how much the turn lane is really needed in this situation and if there would be <br />41 sufficient traffic in the evening to warrant the turn lane. <br />42 <br />43 Benedict said that Jones Ferry Road does have more traffic on it than Richmond Hill Road, and <br />44 the volume has been increasing over the last few yeazs. <br />45 <br />46 Strayhorn asked what NCDOT's criteria was for a turn lane. Benedict said that it varies in <br />47 different circumstances. <br />48 <br />
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