Agenda - 08-15-2000-9e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-15-2000
Agenda - 08-15-2000-9e
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8/29/2008 5:34:17 PM
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8/29/2008 11:20:11 AM
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Minutes - 08-15-2000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-071 Resolution approving The Woodlands (formerly Nine Gates) Preliminary Plat
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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1 The Planning Board approved the conventional concept plan for Nine Gates (now The <br />2 Woodlands) on January S, 2000 with the following conditions: <br />3 1. All roads shall be public and proposed to be built to NCDOT standards with additional <br />4 five (5) foot utility easements on each side. Sight distance triangles (10' x 70') to be <br />5 shown for each street. The right-of--way at intersections shall be improved to NCDOT <br />6 standards. <br />7 2. The right-of--way of Nine Gates Road shall extend to the eastern, external property line of <br />8 the subdivision in the proximity of lots 37 and 38. A conveyance of a 50-foot right of <br />9 way, with 20' construction easements on each side, from the proposed location of Nine <br />1o Gates Road to the eastern property line is acceptable in-lieu-of canstruction. A 30' Type <br />11 A buffer shall extend along all portions of Nine Gates Road and along the street extended <br />12 to the eastern property line. <br />13 3. If a sign is anticipated, reserve a sign easement on lot number 1 at entrance to <br />14 subdivision. <br />15 4. Each lot shall contain an adequate azea for septic disposal and a repair azea as approved <br />~6 by the Orange County Division of Environmental Health. <br />17 5. Indicate on preliminary plat azeas for on-site infiltration of storm water that demonstrates <br />18 compliance with Article 6.23.3a of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance. <br />19 6. Driveway access points to be a miniumum of 75 feet from the intersection of street right- <br />zo of-ways. <br />21 7. The Common Area tract to be held in homeowner's association in perpetuity and cannot <br />22 subdivided or recombined with adjacent lots. <br />23 $. Either dedicate all of the land adjacent to Nine- Gates Road to the NCDOT or place the <br />24 Land in the Homeowner's Assaciatian as open space. . <br />25 9. Submit verification that the requirements of NCGS Chapter 70 Article 3 Unmarked <br />26 Human Burial and Human Skeletal Remains Protection Act have been met or will be met. <br />27 • Second Action: <br />28 Planning Board approval, approval with conditions, or denial of proposed subdivision <br />29 1. Action within two regularly scheduled Planning Baards meetings, or extension thereof; <br />30 2. Tf the Planning Board fails to act within the specified time period, the application is <br />31 forwazded to the Boazd of Caunty Commissioners with the Planning Boazd minutes and <br />32 the Planning Staff recommendations and conditions anly. <br />33 <br />34 FINANCIAL IMPACT: Fiscal Impact Analysis (attached) <br />35 _ <br />36 RECOMMENDATION: Plannine Staff <br />37 Appcovat in accordance with the attached resolution <br />38 <br />39 Moon noted that some of the neighbors of the property have called and expressed concern about <br />40 increased traffic as a result of this subdivision. She made reference to the resolution and said <br />41 that NCDOT will not accept the roads until all of the lots have been built and occupied. The <br />42 staff is recommending a. construction of a left-hand turn lane on Jones Ferry Road. The staff is <br />43 also recommending that the 50-foot right-of-way between lots 32 and 33 must. be formally <br />44 dedicated to Orange County. Moon also noted that the existing private road, Nine Gates, will be <br />45 upgraded to sere as the subdivision entrance road and as such will be classified as a collector. <br />4b The standard landscape buffers and 70-foot right-of--way requirements will be waived, however, <br />47 due to the physical constraints of the site. <br />48 <br />
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