Orange County NC Website
3 <br />Open Space: <br />• 15.20 Acres; 16% of 94.8-acre portion of the tract in Orange County <br />• 4.4 Acres in Rural Buffer Zoning District <br />11.9 Acres in Agricultural Residential Zaning District <br />• 16.199 Acres; 15% of entire 108-acre tract <br />• 3.8 Acres in Conservation Easements (Privacy Buffer) $~ Access Easements <br />• 20 Acres Preserved; 18.5% of entire 108-acre tract <br />Water-Sewer: <br />• All 41 lots will have individual wells and septic systems <br />• Orange County Environmental Health Department has located suitable septic sites for all lots <br />Recreation 8~ Parks: <br />• Bingham Township District Park (per the Recreation Service Area Boundaries Map) <br />• Dedication of land would be µ 0.72 acres (31,363 square feet) <br />• Payment in-lieu of parkland dedication = $18,200 ($455Aot) <br />• Na dedication is warranted because neither county recreation sites nor conservation sites have been <br />identified for this area, as part of the current Comprehensive Plan. <br />Agency Comments <br />Requests for agency review were sent to: Chatham County Planning Director, NCDOT, Erosion Control, <br />County Engineer, Recreation and Parks, Orange County Schools, Soil and Water Conservation, County <br />Attorney, and the Fire Marshall. <br />• Chatham County Planning Director comments: Orange County approval sufficient for entire tract including <br />Chatham County portions. A mylar copy of the approved plat must be filed with the Chatham County <br />Register of Deeds and a paper copy submitted to Planning Department for their records. <br />• NCDOT comments (attached) <br />• Emergency Management comments from concept plan resubmitted for preliminary plat (attached) <br />• Environmental Health Department Site Analysis <br />Development_Pracess. Schedule..and Action: <br />• First Action: <br />The Planning Board approved the conventional concept plan for Nine Gates (now The Woodlands) <br />on January 5, 2000 with the following conditions: <br />1. All roads shall be public and proposed to be built to NCDOT standards with additional five (5) foot utility <br />easements on each side. Sight distance triangles (10' x 70') to be shown for each street. The right-af- <br />way at intersections shall be improved to NCDOT standards. <br />2. The right-of-way of Nine Gates Road shall extend to the eastem, external property line of the <br />subdivision in the proximity of lots 37 and 38. A conveyance of a 50-foot right of way, with 20' <br />construction easements on each side, from the proposed location of Nine Gates Road to the eastem <br />property line is acceptable in-lieu-of construction. A 30' Type A buffer shall extend along all portions of <br />Nine Gates Road and along the street extended to the eastem property line. <br />3. If a sign is anticipated, reserve a sign easement on tot number 1 at entrance to subdivision. <br />4. Each lot shall contain an adequate area for septic disposal and a repair area as approved by the <br />Orange County Division of Environmental Health. <br />5. Indicate on preliminary plat areas for on-site infiltration of storm water that demonstrates compliance <br />with Article fi.23.3a of the Orange County Zaning Ordinance. <br />6. Driveway access points to be a minimum of 75 feet from the intersection of street right-af--ways. <br />7. The Common Area tract to be held in homeowner's association in perpetuity and cannot be subdivided <br />or recombined with adjacent lots. <br />8. Either dedicate all of the land adjacent to Nine Gates Road to the NCDOT or place the land in the <br />Homeowner's Association as open space. <br />