Orange County NC Website
III. Demonstration of technical and financial need <br />ORAN GE COUNTY -SANITATION DIVI SION BUDGET <br />Line Item Descri tion Actual E enditures Pro'ected Re uested <br />Year 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 <br />Advertisin 147 1,758 2,100 2,091 <br />Printin 200 0 500 5,510 <br />De t. Su lies 4,826 7,604 4,590 4,600 <br />Educational Su lies 0 0 360 5,367 <br />Orange County's Sanitation Division budget for educational supplies and advertising is limited. In the FY 19 <br />00, the Sanitation Division published and distributed a SWCC brochure, which a~;ounts for the expenditure <br />$2,100. However, this brochure was not bilingual. <br />In-house, Program <br />This program has experienced some rejuvenation during the current fiscal year. Beginning in January, an <br />house recycling presentation was incorporated into the new employee orientation program.' New employE <br />received education on both the County's in-house recycling program and other county recycling opportuniti <br />This program not costly to promote. <br />County-wide Programs, l.e. SWCC, Rural Curbside <br />Due to budgetary constraints, the Sanitation Division has primarily relied on educational outreach convey <br />through the SWCC Operator at the SWCC or through Public Works Administrative staff. In regard, #o the r~ <br />curbside program, outreach programs administered by Orange Community Recycling and education provic <br />through Public Works Administrative staff were the only provided. <br />Financial Need <br />It is time for the Orange County Sanitation Division to aggressively campaign for solid waste managem <br />throughout the County in order to achieve its solid waste reduction goals of 45% by 2001 and 61 % by 2006. <br />population sectors must be educated for without strong educational outreach higher waste diversion can not <br />attained. The battle to achieve higher waste diversion is further complicated by the increasing natal cou <br />population. <br />As depicted in previous Sanitation Division budgets, only minimal funding has been allocated. In the FY 20 <br />01, the $5,000 requested in the printing line item is earmarked for the translation and publication of a bi-ling <br />informational brochure and the $5,000 for educational supplies is requested to supplement the proposed Puna <br />received through this grant application. ff this funding is received, the cash match fund amount for this gr <br />application would be $5,000. However, if this funding is not received, the match fund would be $2,500. <br />IV. Plans for sustaining recyclin~/waste reduction activities <br />Even though waste reduction has lost momentum, the government officials and citizens of Orange County <br />extremely environmentally conscious. This is portrayed by the aggressive waste reduction goals. Govemm <br />officials are continually searching for innovative waste reduction mechanisms, especially with the construe <br />and demolition landfill reaching capacity in early 2000 and the MSW landfill in 2006. In 1999, Orange Coy <br />established a Construction and Demolition Recycling Task Force and a Solid Waste Advisory Board to prop <br />citizen participation in addressing countywide solid waste management issues. <br />Orange County will continue to be a forerunner in pursuing recycling and waste reduction initiatives. Expan: <br />of existing programs is proposed in the FY 2000-01 budget. Also, in the FY 2000-01, the management of Orai <br />Regional Landfill and its programs, including Orange Community Recycling will transfer from the jurisdictior <br />the Town of Chapel of Hill to Orange County. Having both Departments, Orange County Public Works ; <br />Orange Regional Landfill, under the same governmental umbrella will enhance the coordination <br />recvclina/waste reduction activities in the future. <br />