Orange County NC Website
1' <br />Phase ll: Community Events <br />The billboards described in Phase I. would be placed at community events. Also, personnel pem~itti <br />brochures and DPPEA promotional information would be distributed, i.e. tattoos, activity books, recycl <br />decals. Such events include Apple Chill, Festifall, Carrboro Day, and Hog Day. <br />Phase /ll. Publication and distribution of bilingual solid waste/recycling brochures and SW <br />decals <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has strongly mandated the placement of bilingual sip <br />throughout the county. In the FY 1999-00, the Sanitation Division initiated the replacement of SWCC signs ~ <br />bilingual signs. This project will be completed during the FY 2000-01. In the proposed Sanitation Divi~ <br />budget for f=Y 2000-01, funds are requested far the publication of a bilingual brochure and SWCC dea <br />However, without budgetary funding, this entire Phase may not be implemented until the FY 2001-02. If gr <br />funding remains from implementing Phase I (billboard signs), such funds will be used to supplement this Pha: <br />Phase I V. School programs <br />Annually, the Sanitation Division participates in "Truck `n Tool Time" sponsored by the Orange County Sch <br />system where students, from both the county and Chapel Hill-Carrboro school systems attend. During <br />event, large equipment various governmental and school agencies are displayed, i.e. front-end loaders, E <br />vehicles, fire suppression vehicles, school buses. While visiting each display, students receive information <br />the service provided as well as "goodies" to take back with them to show to their classmates and famil <br />Pending funding availability, the Sanitation Division proposes to distribute DPPEA promotional items, <br />tattoos, recycling decals, trading cards, activity books. <br />Additional school outreach projects would be coordinated with Orange Community Recycling. <br />