Agenda - 08-15-2000-8n
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-15-2000
Agenda - 08-15-2000-8n
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8/29/2008 5:38:14 PM
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8/29/2008 11:20:01 AM
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2000 S Solid Waste - N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2000 Solid Waste Reduction Assistance Grant Project
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2000
2000 S Solid Waste - N.C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2000 Solid Waste Reduction Assistance Grant Project H01012
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2000
Minutes - 08-15-2000
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In-House Recycling 13 <br />Orange County's Sanitation Division funds, manages and promotes its in-house recycling program, which v <br />launched in February 1989. One Orange County Sanitation Collector collects recyclables from more than <br />locations in 22 buildings each Tuesday. All new employees are educated on this program as well as countyw <br />waste reduction and collection programs during their new employee orientation session. Materials collect <br />aluminum/steel, plastic, glass, .glossy magazines, newspaper, white paper and mixed paper. Upon request, <br />educational session is provided to individual Departments. <br />Brochures, outlining the specifics of this program, are posted at each centrally located recycling center. In so <br />offices, desk-side containers for mixed paper have been decorated with various types of mixed paper item: <br />distinguish them from white paper containers. While decreasing contamination, the decorating is a fun actin <br />which has spread to other offices. In addition, posters decorated with mixed paper items have been poster <br />some offices. <br />Recycling Services by Sanitation Div. (tons) <br />1998-99 Actual 1999-00 Pro'ected 2000-01 Pro'ected <br />30 35 40 <br />Other waste diversion services provided by OCR <br />On behalf of Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill, Carrboro and Hillsborough, Orange Commu <br />Recycling (OCR) provides supplemental waste management services to Orange County residents. OCF <br />funded through tipping fee revenues from the Orange Regional Landfill. OCR services and special evE <br />typically target single family residents, multi-family residents and businesses in the incorporated areas. Howe <br />OCR does collect, directly or through contracts with private contractors, recyclables received from ~ <br />programs. All programs are voluntary and include curbside (rural and in-town), multi-family, commercial gl <br />and food, droproff sites 6 drop-off sites located within Orange County SWCCs and 4non-staffed sites <br />salvage sheds (SWCCs only), motor oil, oil filter and battery collection (SWCCs only), latex paint exchange <br />HHW collection and button battery collection. <br />Rural Curbside Program <br />OCR administers the contract for this program which is available to 8,000 residents. Collection is provider <br />monthly. Although provided by OCR, Orange County Sanitation Division distributes bins and educatir <br />brochures to new rural residents or those desiring additional bins. OCR mails a bi-annual newsletter tc <br />County residents including those in the unincorporated areas. The participation level for this program <br />declined in recent months. It appears rural residents are taking their recyclables to the SWCCs when 1 <br />dispose of their household waste or due to overflow created by the bi-monthly collection. An effort will be m <br />to <br />Summary <br />The Orange County Sanitation Division and the Orange Community Recycling (OCR) programs work togethE <br />promote waste management services throughout the County. OCR primarily focuses its efforts on the ur <br />sector. While they do produce educational materials on their programs, it is the responsibility of the Ora <br />County Sanitation Division to distribute such materials, to provide daily education to users, and to enfi <br />recyclable material preparation requirements for OCR programs located within the SWCCs. In addition to C <br />programs, the Sanitation Division manages its programs at the SWCC as well as in Orange County govemn <br />buildings. <br />II. Description of the project <br />It's time to revitalize the spirit of waste reduction and recycling in Orange County by launching an innov~ <br />multi-phased campaign targeted at all populations. Special emphasis will be placed on educating the Hisp <br />and rural community and young children. The County proposes incorporating aspects of DPPEA's new state <br />education campaign, "R-E-C-Y-C-L-E! It begins with you and mel" into its campaign. The "Recycling Hero", <br />his partners, the "Recycling Guys," will be used as tools to illustrate Orange County's education eff~ <br />DPPEA's web address would also be promoted. <br />The scope of this project will be multi-media including mobile billboards, brochures, community events <br />school programs. The public service announcements provided by DPPEA will complement Orange Coui <br />ramnainn_ <br />
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