Orange County NC Website
2000 Solid Waste Reduction Assistance Grant Application Form 11 <br />(This form may be handwritten) <br />1. Applicant(s): Check all that apply 5. Category: <br />County Government ./ Swap Shop <br />Municipal Gaverntnent Backyard Composting <br />Council of Governments ~ Education <br />Solid Waste Authority General <br />Not-For-Profit Agenry 6. Tao ID Number: 56-6000327 <br />2. Project Title: 7. Project Start Date July i, 2000 <br />Waste Management Education for the new <br />millennium <br />3. Applica>Ut's Name, Mailing Address, Zip Code g, Amount Requested From DPPEA $ 5,000.00 <br />Qrange Connty Sanitation Division 9. Cash Match from Applicant(s) $ 2,500.00 <br />PO Box $181 10. Total (8+9) S 7,500.00 <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />4. Name & Title of Person With Daily Responsibility for Project Telephone Number <br />Terry T. Campbell, Solid Waste Manager (919) 245-2637 <br />11. Project Summary (Limited to this Page) <br />It's time for the Orange County Sanitation Division to launch an aggressive educational <br />campaign to rejuvenate waste management programs countywide. The proposed project would <br />target the young and the old, the urban and the rural as well as the English and Spanish <br />speaking populations. The County proposes incorporating aspects of DPPEA's new statewide <br />education campaign, "R-E-C-Y-C-L-EI It begins with you and mel" into its campaign. The <br />"Recycling Hero, and his partners, the "Recycling Guys," will be used as tools to illustrate <br />Orange County's education efforts. DPPEA's web address would also be promoted. <br />The proposed project is multi-dimensional utilizing mobile and stationary billboards, brot:hures, <br />and take-home items. Orange County residents will receive repetitive education on various <br />programs or issues through billboards. Billboards will be mounted onto the Sanitation Division's <br />newest front-end loader collection vehicle and stationary billboards will be displayed at <br />community and school events. This vehicle travels approximately 100 miles throughout the <br />county at least five days weekly thus crossing the paths of many residents. The bi-lingual <br />messages will be simple and concise with captivating graphics. DDPEA's graphics will be <br />incorporated with Orange County Sanitation Division's designs. <br />To provide further educational reinforcement, materials published by DDPEA such as the <br />activity books, tattoos, and trading cards will be distributed as take-home items. Also, DDPEA's <br />new PSA campaign will supplement and complement the proposed project. In addition the <br />Orange County Sanitation Division will publish and develop a bilingual solid waste/recycling <br />brochure as well as solid waste convenience center decals will be develo and ublished. <br />Check applicable boles for Backyard Composting Proposals (at least two mnst be checked <br />^ Co-Promotion ^ Composting Training ^ DispLzy/Demo Site ^ School Program D Insert$/Brochwes <br />12. Certification <br />I hereby certify that the information provided within this grant application is true and accurate to my knowledge. <br />Terry T. Campbell Solid Waste Manager April 4, 2000 <br />Name of Authorized Petsa~q Title Signature Date <br />