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3 <br />1 There were no ques#iuons Pram Planning Board members. <br />2 <br />3 John Link made reference to page 10 and comparing the old with the new procedure and asked <br />4 about the BOCC work session. Craig Benedict said that each item would be presented at a work <br />5 session before beginning the process of public input. John Link feels it is a goody idea. However, <br />6 typically work session agendas are full. He wonders if this is workable. <br />7 Craig Benedict clarified that the notice of the public hearing,would follow th® item being introduced <br />8 at a work session. He wanits, in same way, to notify the County Commissioners thhat the process has <br />9 begun on a specific item of issue. <br />In ~ A motion was made qy Commissioner Jacobs, seconded by Commissioner cordon to refer item <br />I I C-1-a to the Planning Boarp for a recommendation to be retumed to the Board ofi Commissioners nv <br />I2 sooner than June 29, 20001 <br />I3 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br />I4 <br />15 b. Section 4.2;12 Existing Commercial - V (EC-5) <br />1s Craig Benedict explained that there were 113 separate existing co~nmercia(uses, known <br />I7 as EC-5. The Planning staff is suggesting that under extreme circumstances, small existing commercial <br />is parcels, less than one acre; would be able to shift from one lot to an adjacent one.. This would be <br />19 allowed under a list of ten Criteria. The criteria are listed in the agenda. This would allow for the <br />zo continuation of the commercial use in the future. Any change in the operation would have to meet new <br />zt standards. He made reference to the criteria and said that if an EC-5 district is wiped off the map, <br />zz reduced, or becomes non-functional based an some sort of right-of-way t2king that is in excess of what <br />23 is required by the comprehensive plan, the property owner would net be able to p;wrchase other land. <br />24 <br />z5 ClUESTIONS FROM COunirr C[~MMICe~nti~QC no n~ s~i~us~~ ~,~„-~........»:..__ <br />z6 Commissioner Gordom made reference to page 12, item "C~ that reads, "F~cisting district shall be <br />z7 eliminated and retumed to fhe zoning of sun'ounding land. If the old district is adjacent to mare than <br />28 one district, the tract shall kaie retumed to the lower use category." She asked for further explanation. <br />z9 Craig Benedict said that it means that if a portion of the district is made non-functional and they will lose <br />3o the rights they have of a portion of the land, that porEian of the land would have to revert back to the <br />3 i use designation of the adjacent property. Craig Benedict said that this language uvould be reworded- <br />3z Commissioner Gordan asked about item "D" on the same page and asked u~hy expansion would <br />33 be allowed. Craig Benedicti said that this was in response to a cvncem to encourage the property <br />34 owners to redo their building and this would provide an incentive far their pot®ntia~i conversion and <br />35 adherence to the strict regulations. <br />36 Commissioner Gordan suggested using an additional square footage allowance as an Incentive. <br />37 She asked if the EC-5 was allowed by right ar by condemnation and how it would jbe decided if the land <br />3s was condemned whether as not there was an impact on adjacent properties. Craig Benedict said that <br />39 the process far EC-5 is than if the property owner wants tv change the zoning dist~ct by purchas"rng <br />ao additional property that notification would be given to the neighbors and the County Commissioners <br />41 would approve through the regular rezoning process. <br />42 Commissioner Brown asked of the 173 EG5 uses how many were operatlornal and Craig Benedict <br />43 did not know. He has received complaints on quite a few of these properties. <br />a.4 Karen Barrows said that it feels that something has happened to bring this item forward. Craig <br />45 Benedict said that the best Wray to address a regulatory change is to address it cor'~prehensively <br />46 instead of doing it for one or two people who have requested that this be reviewed for changes. He <br />47 said that he has received requests from same of the owners of EC-5 properties to;~e~cpand or change <br />as their business in same way.: He said that right now there were not enough regulat~ns in the code to <br />49 direct what the future building should look like. He hopes to have some standardsfor some <br />50 Consistency. <br />sl Karen Barrows clarified that Craig Benedict has received same inquiries from businesses and also <br />s2 some. complaints from citizens and Graig Benedict verified this. <br />