Agenda - 08-15-2000-8m
Board of County Commissioners
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Agenda - 08-15-2000
Agenda - 08-15-2000-8m
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8/29/2008 11:19:59 AM
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Minutes - 08-15-2000
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
ORD-2000-129 Orange County Neuse River Basin Stormwater Management Ordinance
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2000-2009\2000
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7 <br />2 <br />i There would also be anothbr opportunity after the public hearing for more comments from the public. <br />2 He said that the staff worked with the Institute of Government and an intern that was doing some <br />~ paperwork on decision malting and public policy. He said that bringing in the public at an earlier time <br />a usually leads to better understanding. He said that over the next 12 to 1$ months, there would be a lot <br />5 of changes in the comprehensive plan and he hoped that the public participation procedures would <br />6 assist in making the changes more understandable. <br />s UESTIONS FROM COU TY COMMISSIONERS OR PLAN ING BOARD MEMBER5 <br />9 Commissioner Brown:.asked what the new procedures would eliminate that are presently being <br />1o done, Craig Benedict said ,that instead of sending out 5,000 notices, the Planning Department would <br />11 place ads in a newspaper fpr four canseeutive weeks. In addition, they would hake an open house -- <br />12 meeting at a residence or Ibcation in the specifc area. These changes in notification would only be <br />i3 when the County is changimg major regulations_ Anyone who petitions for a zoning change to make <br />is their property commercial, or to build a tower, would have to follow the other guidelines and every <br />15 person Within that SQO-foot iboundary would have to be notified. <br />16 Commissioner Brownasked if a public information meeting would be done each time. Planner <br />17 Robert Davis said that for regular rezanings this procedure would not be followed; There would also be <br />18 signs posted around the prmpertY announcing the public hearing, Craig Benedict said that the Planning <br />19 staff could consider some sort of neighborhood meeting, <br />20 Commissioner Brown;Clarified that the neighborhood meeting could be added and Craig Benedict <br />zl said yes, this is a suggested change that the Planning Board will consider. <br />zz Commissioner Gardort feels that this process is an improvement but she hesitates to eliminate the <br />z3 letters and asked if the left@rs could be retained in the process. <br />z4 Craig Benedict explained the reasons for not retaining sending out of letters in the process. He <br />z5 feels that it is a better inves3ment in staff time to meet personally with people in th'e area where a <br />z6 change has been requestegl. <br />27 Commissioner Gordor~ feels that it would help if people received a letter because some people do <br />zs not read the newspaper. Craig Benedict said that the staff would consider keeping the letters as <br />z9 proposals are brought back. <br />3o Commissioner Jacobs said that he shares the concerns of Commissioner Gordon about <br />31 eliminating the letters. He made reference to the advertising and Craig Benedict clarified that it would <br />32 be four weeks in one newspaper of public record. He likes the idea of open houses and hav(ng the <br />33 meetings in the, cammunitie8. He made reference to page five and questioned the posting of signs at <br />34 least ten days before the meting and asked if people could be given additional time and if the signs <br />35 could be posted more in advance. <br />36 Craig Benedict said that the signs could be posted sooner than 10 days. <br />37 Comrnissianer Jacobs. would like for the signs to be posted longer than ten days. He made <br />38 reference to page six and the advertising according to state statute and the rationale behind placing <br />39 larger advertising, The state statute is less than ~ of a newspaper page in size. <br />ao Craig Benedict said that because Qrange County sends out individual notices, that the ads have <br />a1 been smaller in the past. He said that the staff is suggesting that the County put I~rger ads in the paper <br />az than what is required by state law. He said that even though the larger ad is expensive, the increasing <br />a3 amount of letters sent out i~ also expensive, <br />~ Commissioner Jacobs~made reference to page eight and asked if this was the explanation or the <br />as verbiage that would be included in the ordinance. He feels that adjacent' needs tp be defined. He said <br />a6 that he hopes this can be coordinated with developing a citizens guide far dealing nrith the planning <br />47 process. He suggested that a subcommittee of .the Planning Board might want to initiate this project. <br />as He feels that citizens who hive attended meetings to speak one way or the other should be included on <br />a9 the committee. He volunteered to serve on the committee along with Commissioner Brawn. <br />5o Commissioner Brown asked about the follow up process after the neighbvrhpad meetings. Craig <br />sl Benedict said that follow up would occur. From the neighborhood meetings a mailing list will be <br />52 developed and follow up nailices will be sent for each step of the process. <br />S3 <br />
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