Orange County NC Website
FINANCIAL IMPACT: This program is an unfunded state mandate. Existing Erosion Control staff <br />will be responsible fior the Program submittals and revisions until implementation in March 2001. <br />The Planning and Inspections Department is gauging the impact of the Program by developing a <br />process where this additional data collection, plan review, inspection, monitoring, reporting, <br />enforcement, and public outreach is included. <br />However, the totality of the Program even with coordination and cooperation with Soil and Water, <br />Engineering, Environmental Health, and state agencies may require additional staff. NCDENR- <br />DWQ has allowed for a phased implementation of the most extensive section of the program- <br />Illegal Discharges. <br />It is estimated that one staff position will be required in 2001-2002 and another in 2002-2003 by the <br />final phase of implementation in October, 2002. The phased implementation approach from DWQ is <br />attached. <br />Revenue from the Program activity is included in the fee structure in the amount of a $150 Annual <br />Maintenance fee per permanent Nitrogen Export Removal Best Management Practice and a <br />Stormwater Management Plan Review fee is in process. A review of approximately how many <br />plans are being estimated for this Program and how much revenue would be generated each year, <br />based on current development rates is under review. Associated plan review and regulatory <br />requirements are presently within the purview of Erosion Control and staff shall investigate the <br />comprehensive structure for Stormwater Management activities to examine the possibilities of a <br />revenue-expenditure balance. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Administration recommends transmittal of the" Orange County <br />Stormwater Program for Lands within the Neuse River Basin" to NCDENR-DWQ, or as the Board <br />decides. <br />