Orange County NC Website
19 <br />The purpose of the field screening is to provide clues as to the source of the illegal <br />discharge. The characterization should be used in conjunction with the jurisdiction-wide <br />information and a field investigation to identify the source of the illegal discharge. The <br />process of identifying and removing illegal discharges is discussed in the next section. <br />~ Program for Identifying and Removing Illegal Discharges <br />Please see accompanying Ordinance. <br />After the field screening is complete, Orange County will take measures to identify and <br />remove illegal discharges. Identifying illegal discharges may require a combination of <br />office and field work. After the field screening, Orange County staff will consult the <br />jurisdiction-wide information they have compiled (see Section 3-D) to obtain information <br />about the land uses, infrastructure, industries, potential sources and types of pollution that <br />exist in the drainage area of the outfall. <br />After potential sources have been identified in the office, a systematic field investigation <br />should be planned that minimizes the amount of resources required to identify the source. <br />Listed below are several approaches that are recommended by Raleigh and Durham, <br />starting with simple- approaches and moving to more complex ones <br />• Site Investigation <br />• Additional Chemical Analysis (recommend testing for fecal coliform if the ammonia <br />concentration was found to exceed 1.0 mg/L) <br />• Flow Monitoring (recommended to use multiple site visits rather than a depth <br />indicator) <br />• Dye Testing (fluorescent dye is recommended) <br />• Smoke Testing <br />• Television Inspection <br />One tip an identifying illegal discharges is that outfalls that do not have flow during wet <br />weather are likely to originate from floor drains. <br />Documentation of the results of the office and field investigations should be kept on file <br />for flue years with the screening report. <br />After a local government identifies the source of an illegal discharge, it is required to take <br />enforcement action to have the source removed. The legal authority that was established <br />for the illegal discharge program shall provide the means to accomplish this requirement. <br />Enforcement should include requiring the person responsible for the discharge to remove <br />or redirect it to the sanitary sewer. There should also be remedies to deal with cases of <br />non-compliance. Records of all compliance actions shall be kept for five years with the <br />screening report. <br />9 <br />