Orange County NC Website
16 <br />Orange County will determine each year's high priority are by assessing those areas with <br />older development. By utilizing the GIS division within the Planning and Inspections <br />Department, overlays of alder development along with high risk water quality areas will <br />be created to help target high priority areas. <br />The first part of the screening process for the selected high priority area is mapping the <br />stormwater system. At a minimum, the map that is produced shall include the following: <br />• Locations of the outfalls of any pipes from non-industrial areas that are greater than <br />or equal to 36 inches. <br />• Locations of the outfalls of any pipes from industrial areas that are greater than or <br />equal to 12 inches.. <br />• Locations of drainage ditches that drain mare than 50 acres ofnon-industrial lands. <br />• Locations of drainage ditches that drain more than 2 acres of industrial land. <br />• An accompanying summary table listing the outfalls that meet the above criteria that <br />includes outfall ID numbers, location, primary. and supplemental classification of <br />receiving water, and use-support of receiving water: <br />The second part of the screening process for the selected high priority area is conducting <br />a dry weather field screening of all outfalls that meet the above criteria to detect illegal <br />discharges. The dry weather field screening shall not be conducted during or within 72 <br />hours following a rain event of O.l inches or greater. In residential areas, it is <br />recommended to conduct the field screening either before 9:00 am or after 5:00 pm, since <br />these are the hours that citizens are most likely to be home and thus any illegal discharges <br />aze more likely to be evident. <br />Figure 3a illustrates a suggested process far conducting field screening sampling <br />activities and following up with any findings of ,dry weather flow. As shown in the <br />figure, if the field screening shows that an outfall is dry, then the outfall should be <br />checked for intermittent flow at a later date. <br />If the field screening shows that an outfall has a dry weather flow, then the local <br />government is required to complete a screening report for the outfall. The information <br />that should be contained in the screening report is outlined in Table 3c. Screening reports <br />shall be kept on file for a minimum of five years. Screening report forms provided in <br />Appendix K of the Madel Plan will be utilized. <br />6 <br />