Orange County NC Website
Administration Resolution <br />The document describing development restrictions to be recorded with the Final <br />Plat shall state that the financial guarantee will not be released until the water <br />system and hydrant construction has been inspected and approved by Orange - <br />Alamance Water System, Inc. and the Orange County Fire Marshal. <br />6. All fire hydrant locations, fire flow and water line pressures shall be approved by <br />the Orange County Fire Marshal prior to issuance of the first certificate of <br />occupancy. <br />7. Sewer tap, acreage, access, availability, capital, facili fees <br />Sewer fees based on an acreage or a per lot charge shall be paid to Orange County <br />prior to Planning Department signatures on the final plat. Sewer fees based on <br />house size shall be paid to Orange County when obtaining individual building <br />permits. <br />B. Roads and Access <br />1. Alice Miller Court, Midvale Drive, and Boundbrook Drive shall be constructed to <br />NCDOT standazds within a 50-foot right-of--way with 5' utility easements on each <br />side. Construction shall be inspected and approved by NCDOT. <br />OR <br />A letter of credit or escrow agreement or other security shall be submitted to <br />secure construction of Alice Miller Court, Midvale Drive, and Boundbrook Drive <br />to NCDOT standards. An estimate of the construction cost must be prepared by a <br />certified/licensed engineer or grading contractor and submitted to the Orange <br />County Planning Department. The financial guazantee must reflect 110 percent of <br />that estimate and be issued by an accredited financial institution licensed to do <br />business in North Carolina. <br />The document describing development restrictions to be recorded with the Final <br />Plat shall state that the financial guarantee will not be released until the road <br />construction has been inspected and approved by NCDOT. <br />2. An erosion control plan for the entire project, including streets, shall be submitted <br />by the applicant for review and shall be approved by the Orange County Erosion <br />Control Division prior to any disturbance on the site. The Erasion Control Plan <br />shall include a stormwater management plan that meets the requirements of both <br />the County and the Neuse River Basin rules. <br />3. Prior to any construction or any alteration of any existing access within the right- <br />of-way of Richmond Road, the developer/owner shall secure a driveway permit <br />from the NCDOT'District Office. Submit a copy of the NCDOT- approved <br />permit and letter to the Planning Department at the same time as the request for <br />Planning Department signatures on the Final Plat. Sight distance triangles shall <br />be shown at all intersections within the subdivision, or included within the right- <br />