Orange County NC Website
<br />~/.7 <br />N-C. DuupaRmenf of Commerce <br />Ollice o/ Inramabon Tecnnola®' Services <br />7. Responsibilities <br />7.1 Business Technology Services <br />The project team will be comprised of the following resources that will pertorm the specified tasks: <br />Project Manager <br />' Develop and manage project schedule <br />' Communicate with IS and Clerk's Offices, Commissioners, IT Committee and Inet Committee as <br />appropriate <br />' Complete status reports <br />' Review deliverables <br />' Determine approach and create work plan for next phase <br />Business Process Analyst <br />' Document goals, benefits, and scope <br />• Review provided documentation <br />' Document processes <br />' Define and document business requirements <br />' Conduct facilitated sessions with user community <br />' Analyze risks and transition impact <br />' Review software alternatives <br />Graphic Designer <br />9 <br />' Designs visual components (everything from adhering to client's identity to graphic impact and style) <br />' Performs routine graphics design and consultation work. Work involves site design and layout <br />including graphic illustrations. <br />' Constructs database design as needed (e.g., how does visual design integrate with and complement <br />database-driven web sites?) <br />' Ensures compatibility of graphics design with the technology of the web site (e.g., which browsers will <br />work with the site? What is the lowest common denominator for screen resolution, colors etc.)? <br />' Determines levels and degrees of interactive design <br />Web Developer (Z) <br />^ Develop prototype design to establish look and feel of web site <br />' Create templates for web page <br />' Contribute on all technical/ architectural decisions/ documentation <br />' Participate in creation of client questionnaire <br />^ Develop graphics and style sheets <br />' Designs content (content developed far a static medium (such as print) often needs to be revised to <br />work in an interactive medium). <br />^ Perform document conversions as needed <br />pC516V4.DOC - OC Internet FINAL <br />