Orange County NC Website
<br />3 <br />5. USE AND POSSESSION: It is understood that the leased premises are to be used by the Tenant for general <br />office purposes, for various programs offered to Senior Citizens and for a Senior's nutrition site. It is likewise <br />understood, within scheduling constraints as specified in the "Scheduling" section of this lease, that meetings <br />by various County departments, Boards or Commissions are permitted and that the County may, upon approval <br />of The ArtsCenter staff, utilize other areas of The ArtsCenter for the purpose of holding meetings or classes. <br />Offices, Areas #3 and #4 as designated on Exhibit A, will be used exclusively by the Department of <br />Aging. <br />Tenant shall not use or occupy nor permit the Premises to be used or occupied, nor do or permit anything to be <br />done in or on the Premises, in a manner which may (I) make void or voidable any insurance in force with <br />respect thereto; (ii) result in any increase in the premiums charged for insurance, or cause Landlord to be <br />unable to obtain at regular rates fire or other insurance required to be maintained; (iii) cause structural damage <br />to the Premises, the Building, or any part thereof; (iv) constitute a public or private nuisance; or (v) otherwise <br />violate any present or future law, ordinance, rule or regulation concerning or relating to Tenant's use, <br />occupancy, or alteration or the Premises. If as the result of any act or neglect of Tenant, its employees, agents, <br />representatives, clients, or visitors, or the manner in which business is conducted at the Premises, then and in <br />that event, Tenant shall pay Landlord on demand the amount of such increase as additional rent. <br />6. SCHEDULING: Responsibility to schedule areas #1, #2, and Kitchen are as follows: <br /> C =County will schedule <br /> A =The ArtsCenter will schedule <br /> 12:01 AM 8:01 AM 1:01 PM 3:00 FM <br /> to to to to <br /> 5:00 AM 1:00 PM 3 UO_PM ~~Q01VIidnight <br />Monday A C A A <br />Tuesday A C A A <br />Wednesday A C C A <br />Thursday A C A A <br />Friday A C A A <br />Requests by the Landlord for the use of Areas #1, #2 and the Kitchen during hours designated for Tenant <br />scheduling will not be unreasonably denied. <br />