Orange County NC Website
funding in the grant project. (See column #5, page 4 and Shaping Orange County's <br />Future Grant Project Ordinance page 6). <br />6. Non-Departmental <br />a) On May 16, 2000, the Board approved an appropriation from the Commissioners <br />Contingency. The $5,000 appropriation provides matching funds to support a <br />North Carolina travel and tourism/economic development promotional event on <br />July 4 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. (See page 5, column #6a). <br />b) The approved 1999-00 budget included, in the Miscellaneous Function, an <br />allocation totaling $452,233 for elements of the employee pay plan including in- <br />range salary increase, meritorious service awards, and equity retention funds. <br />This amendment allocates these funds to functions within the General Fund for <br />awards given throughout the fiscal year. (See page 5, column #6b). <br />7. Efland Sewer Operafing <br />This year, revenues received in the Efland Sewer Operating Fund have been higher <br />than the original budget. Unbudgeted sewer charges total about $13,000. This <br />budget amendment is necessary to allow for expenditures related to the provision of <br />the service (see page 5, column #7). <br />8. Pathways Elementary School Construction Capital Project <br />On February 29, 2000, the Board of Commissioners approved a capital project <br />ordinance for the first two phases of Pathways Elementary School construction. The <br />total budget included in the 1999-09 capital investment plan is $12,737,720. Of that <br />total, the Board has approved $8,828,053 for the first-two phases. Since that time, <br />the District has had the need to issue several change orders for various items. The <br />mast significant unanticipated expenses encountered include costs of constructing a <br />western access traffic lane ($202,191), excavating a bed of rock ($121,229) and <br />additional costs related to installing water and sewer lines and emergency generator <br />($453,878). Other minor changes, such as safety equipment, have also been <br />necessary since the February approval date. <br />