Agenda - 06-29-2000-5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-29-2000
Agenda - 06-29-2000-5a
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8/29/2008 5:53:33 PM
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8/29/2008 11:19:09 AM
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Minutes - 06-29-2000
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-049 Resolution to Amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Orange County Comprehensive Plan American Stone Company, OWASA and Philip and Alice Durham
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
RES-2000-050 Resolution to Amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Orange County Comprehensive Plan American Stone Company, OWASA and Philip and Alice Durham
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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DG3G^~ff~ <br />13 <br />boundary and a 1978 requirement at the very end that blew them out of the water. He said that <br />the mitigation measures could not be accepted by the people because of what happened neaz the <br />end. He said that some of the neighbors aze saying that it is environmental racism. He said that <br />the violations that have occurred at American Stone Company have not been enforced for many <br />years. He is very concerned that there is no enforcement mechanism. <br />Holtkamp said that she is not sure that the mitigation measures are viable. <br />9 Danziger said that the only thing the neighbors want is for the quarry to close down as soon as <br />10 possible. He said that he would rather bet on the quarry shutting down rather than some <br />11 agreement between OWASA and American Stone. <br />12 <br />13 Katz asked about the 1978 requirement that Danziger mentioned. <br />14 <br />15 Danziger said that after a yeaz's worth of working out the mitigation measures, he thought it was <br />16 worked out that the neighbors would be compensated in certain ways if they were affected by the <br />17 quarry. At the very last moment, American Stone said that the neighbor would have had to own <br />18 the property or the well would have had to be existing before 1978 before a claim could be filed. <br />19 He said that the 3,000-foot radius would not cover the homes that were being affected. <br />20 <br />21 Chair Allison asked for clarification about the No Fault Well Repair Fund. <br />22 <br />23 Ed Kerwin said that OWASA took very seriously their responsibility of being a good neighbor. <br />24 He said that the criteria for the No Fault Well Repaix Fund were open to the County. He said <br />25 that the reason the radius was so small was so the benefits would not be diluted for those closest <br />26 to the quarry. He said that OWASA does have responsibility to make sure the residents close to <br />27 the quarry have safe and reliable water. He said that the property or the well did not have to be <br />28 in place before 1978 to benefit from the fund. <br />29 <br />3o Gooding-Ray verified that a new well would cost between $3,500 to $5,000. <br />31 <br />32 Kerwin said that if, for some reason, the neighbors of the quarry did not use the fund, that money <br />33 would be available to the community. to use in any way. OWASA's contribution would be <br />34 earmazked for use only in problem wells. He said that the 2% increase in water mentioned by <br />35 Elliott Cramer was incorrect and that OWASA thought it was impossible to project the amount <br />36 of water that would be needed. However, there aze significant environmental benefits to having <br />37 additional supply of water. <br />38 <br />39 Holtkamp asked. if 15 years would be enough time to get this same amount of water and Kerwin <br />40 said no. She asked what the issue was to extend water to the neighbors. <br />41 <br />42 Kerwin said that since there were only two failures in 20 yeazs that there was not a real need. It <br />43 would cost approximately two million dollazs worth of improvements to get the water lines in the <br />44 vicinity. He said that it was prohibited to extend water lines in the neighborhood because it was <br />45 in the rural buffer. <br />46 <br />47 Benedict said that the Joint Planning Agreement ensured that there were finite urban growth <br />48 boundaries so that urban areas would not grow out into the countryside. One of the limitations is <br />49 that water and sewer lines would not be allowed beyond the urban growth boundaries. <br />
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