Agenda - 06-29-2000-5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-29-2000
Agenda - 06-29-2000-5a
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8/29/2008 5:53:33 PM
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8/29/2008 11:19:09 AM
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Minutes - 06-29-2000
(Linked To)
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2000
RES-2000-049 Resolution to Amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Orange County Comprehensive Plan American Stone Company, OWASA and Philip and Alice Durham
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
RES-2000-050 Resolution to Amend the Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan and Orange County Comprehensive Plan American Stone Company, OWASA and Philip and Alice Durham
(Linked From)
\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2000
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DG3G^aff~ ~z <br />1 Kramer said that the population projections were irrelevant because they address Orange County <br />2 as a whole and OWASA's service azea is only Chapel Hill and Carrbaro. He said that the <br />3 Planning departments for Chapel Hill and Carrboro aze projecting-that growth will flatten <br />4 because they aze approaching build out in about 25 yeazs. He said that American Stone was <br />5 saving about six million dollars in royalties by this deal. He said that the issue was whether <br />6 quarry expansion was needed. He attended the Carrboro meetings and said that the issue was not <br />7 the mitigation measures, but that the-expansion was not needed. There was also a concern about <br />8 the immorality of expanding this quarry and not providing water to the people in this historically <br />9 ~ African American community. His projections are that there is enough water without any quarry <br />l0 at all to go unti12065. He stated that he was a statistician and none of the people representing <br />11 American Stone Company had any expertise in statistics. <br />12 <br />13 Chair Allison asked where the population chart came from. Benedict said that it was from a <br />14 company (Woods & Poole) hired by the County. He said that it was just a depiction to explain <br />15 that there aze changing conditions. He said that the purpose of the chart was not to show the rate <br />16 of population growth. <br />17 <br />1 s Chair Allison asked if there were other azea5 azound reservoirs where the residents could not use <br />19 the water supply that was generated. Benedict said that this was the general case: <br />20 <br />21 .Jenny Foushee has lived on Bethel Hickory Grove Church Road for the last 54 years. She said <br />22 that lately her water has become muddy and she cannot drink it, cook with it, or wash with it. <br />23 She had to dig another well last year. She made reference to a Mr. Smith who has had to dig <br />24 three wells. She said that the issue was clean water and not a pazk. She made reference to the <br />25 blasting and the damage that has occurred to the homes as a result. She said that there were 600 <br />26 homes in the azea that would be affected by the expansion of the quarry' . <br />27 <br />2s Holtkamp asked about the opinion of the well contractors as to why the wells had failed. <br />29 Foushee said that the contractor that drilled her well said that he has drilled a lot of wells in the <br />30 area and that it comes from shifting of the rack from the blasting. <br />31 <br />32 Benedict said that blasting would help the wells, if anything, because it creates small f ssures <br />33 through the strata and would provide more water. <br />34 <br />35 Katz said that the water that moves through the strata. could contain iron and other materials that <br />36 are of poor quality and could ruin wells. <br />37 <br />3s Foushee said that she has a filtering system installed and she has to change the filters twice a <br />39 day. <br />40 <br />41 Katz asked Foushee if the No Fault Well Repair Fund was an acceptable solution if the new <br />42 wells were provided in a timely manner: <br />43 <br />44 Foushee said that the residents would need assurance that the new wells would be provided in a <br />45 timely manner. <br />46 <br />47 Erwin Danziger said that he was part of the mitigation group and there were two African <br />48 American families that were also part of the mitigation process. This group met almost every <br />49 two weeks far a yeaz. He said that the bottom line was that American Stone put in a 3,000-foot <br />
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