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~~. - o ~ ~~ c h~rhe~ ~-- <br />D ~ a C~ <br />1 ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING BOARD <br />z SPECIAL MEETING <br />3 MINUTES <br />4 JUNE 21, 2000 <br />MEMBERS PRESENT: Leo Allison (Chaix), Rachel Preston, Bob Strayhorn, Crauford <br />Goodwin, Karen Barrows, Howard McAdams, Nicole Gooding- <br />Ray, Barry Katz, Lynne Holtkamp. <br />MEMBERS ABSENT: James Selkirk, Runyon Woods, Onie Lee. <br />STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Craig Benedict, Planners Robert Davis, Gene <br />Bell, Eddie Kirk, and Tom King, and Administrative Assistant <br />Joanna Bradshaw <br />AGENDA ITEM #1: CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL <br />Chair Allison called the meeting to order. <br />AGENDA ITEM #2: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA <br />Craig Benedict will present the legal advertisement far items proposed for the August 28, 2000 <br />Quarterly Public Hearing. <br />AGENDA ITEM #3: APPROVAL OF MIl~TUTES -May 4, 2000 <br />Chair Allison made reference to a few typographical errors. <br />Barrows made reference to page eight of the minutes, line 29, and said that she would like a little <br />more background about the safety concern of Kenion Road. <br />MOTION: Strayhorn moved approval of the May 4, 2000 minutes of the <br />Orange County Planning Board with the corrections as stated <br />above. Seconded by McAdams. <br />VOTE: Unanimous <br />AGENDA ITEM #4: COMMISSIONERS' MEETINGS ACTION REPORTS <br />None. <br />AGENDA ITEM #S: PUBLIC CHARGE <br />The Chair dispensed with the reading of the public charge. <br />AGENDA ITEM #6: CHAIR COMMENTS <br />Chair Allison made reference to agenda item 9a that has to do with American Stone Company <br />and explained that this was not a public hearing. The staff will give an update of the item and <br />there will be questions and comments by the Planning Board. He limited the public input to a <br />total of five minutes for those in favor and another five minutes for those in apposition. <br />