Orange County NC Website
john Link <br />Page 2 <br />7 <br />Unfortunately, the Town currently has no fux~.ds that can be allocated to this pmject. Over the <br />past four years, we have constructed a major new park„ a new gymnasiwn, arld a major <br />greenway. We have expended over $6 million for these projects and continue to face additional <br />costs for, projects that are in the planning process. Comrx~itmeats for these other projects, which <br />potentially benefit all County citizezas, have taken away our ability to contribute more than staff <br />time for the Southern Community Pazk. While this situation could change, i da not foresee ar~y <br />funds becoming available in the immediate future. <br />I hope that this information is useful. Lf you require additional information please da not hesitate <br />to contact me. <br />Sincerely, <br />W. Calvin Horton <br />Town Manager <br />