Agenda - 06-06-2000-8i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-06-2000
Agenda - 06-06-2000-8i
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8/29/2008 4:23:45 PM
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8/29/2008 11:18:52 AM
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2000 S Finance - Audit Contract for June 30, 2000 Fiscal Year
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\Board of County Commissioners\Contracts and Agreements\General Contracts and Agreements\2000's\2000
Minutes - 06-06-2000
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<br />1 t. The Auditor shall file with the Local Gavemmrnl Commission two copies of the rcpon of audit, including one copy of the <br /> federal Data Collection Farm, if a federal single audit is conducted. Two copies of the report of audit should he submitted if an <br /> audit is requited to be performed only under the requirements of the State Single Audit linplemenlation Act or a financial audit is <br /> required to be performed in accordance with ~oygr~tment Auditine Standards. Otherwise, one wpy shell be submitted. Copies of <br /> the report shall be filed with the Local Government Commission whrn (or prior to) submitting the invoice for the servit:es <br /> rendered. All copies of the report submitted tQu~he_ bound. The report of audit, as tiled with the Secretary of the Local <br /> Government Commission, bewma a matter of public record for inspection and review jn the offices of the Secretary by any <br /> interested parties. Any subsequent revisions to these reports must be sent to ilia Secretary of the Local Govemmant Commission. <br /> These audited financial statements arc used in the preparation of O~ciel 5tatemmts Cor debt offerings, by municipal bond rating <br /> savitxs, and to fulfill secortdary tttarlcet disclosure requirements of the Securities and Gxcltartge Commission. <br />12. Should circumstance disclosed by the audit tall for a more detailed investigation by the Auditor than necessity under artlinary <br />- circumstances, the Auditor shell inform the Governing Board in writing of the need for such additional investigation and the <br />- •, additional wmpertsation required therefor. Upon approval by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, this egtterrtrnt <br /> may be varied or changed to include the intrea,cd time andror compensation as may be agreed upon by the Governing Board and <br /> the Auditor. <br />- _ 13. if an approved conuaet needs to be vtvied or changed for any trason, the change must be reduced to writing, signed by both <br /> panic, presudited if necessary, and submitted to the Secretary of the Local Govtmttmmt Commission for appmvsl.N° change <br /> ive u the o v uditor. <br />14, WbeneveT the Auditor uses an mgagemrnl Itttar with the clier-4 Item 13 may be completed by refaatcing rho rngagetrnent letter <br /> end attaching a copy of the engagement letter to the canuact to inwrporate the engaganant letter into the contract In case of <br /> conflict bawaxt the terms of the engagement IGler end the turns of this contract, the leans oP this Contract will control. <br /> Engagematt letter terms arc deemed to be void unless the conflicting lams of this contract are sptxifit~lly deleted in Item 21 of <br />- this Contrcct. Engagement letters coetaining inttentniflcatian clause will hot be approved by the Local Govattment Commis,ion. <br />- I3. There arc no special provisions extxpt: $~ att3d7ed t3l.gyt3gt~lti let''tex, <br />- 16. A separate contract ~ be made for each division to be audited or report m be subtrtitted. A separates conhact mttst be <br /> executed for each component unit which is a local govemmeet and for which a saperste atdft repoR is issued. <br />- .. 17. <br />- 'f he contract should he exaeutt:d and submitted jn triplicate tq the Seaetsry of the Local Government Cortunission, 32S North <br />- Salisbury StteeL Raleigh, North Carolina 27603-f38S. <br />_ 18. Uptm approval, the origirra! contract will be retttrned to dx Gova'mnents! Unit, a copy will be forwarded tb the Auditor, arid a <br />- copy retained by the Setxetery of the Local Govemmart Cotttmission. The_au~it should no~,j~fq~ Ihg, r~ntract is <br />aonroved. <br />19. There arc no other agrwnettts betwecrt the parties htxeto and no other agrtxmrnts relatives htxeto that shall be enforceable unless <br />- <br />- .. rntered into in ttccordatrcc with the procedtue set out hereirt and approved by the Secretary of the Local Government <br />Cotntnissioa. <br />" ,; f;` .' 20. If this audit rngagemant is not subject to Sa9vs~rttAuditing c.^...t^~~ then Item 5 shall be listed as a deleted provision in <br />- Item 2l. An explanation must be givee for deleting this provision. <br />- 21. All of the above paragraphs cue wtde'stood trnd shall apply to this agreement, except the following ttttmbered paragraphs shall be <br />-_ deleted: (Six Item 14.) <br />• - Lot~+art G.I+kFN~BBt~ <br />- .: ay_ n~lnir_ze ~Trnx~e.~C,~~' sy Oratlae Catniry -- <br /> (t+trur typ priest miss) (~ typ. ar print urn. ztabtle- <br />.. <br />(S eat erewure) (simaaae aPL+ItCmt orb ~ a ~itdl <br /> Dra ~ ~ Die <br /> . Appsored by die Seoesry of the Local Goraaatent ay <br />- Catmtte:sian a proridad in AttiWe 3, l]tapter 159 of the o t (PMate typ. ar prim mmr) <br />- Cemteral Snwhx ar Artiek 31, Part 3, t7tapra 1 l3C of the ' <br />t7attatd Statiutes <br /> . <br />- ~ (Sia~htte of Andes Cmtatetn Chsirprrwa) <br />. ~ Fa<da Serrra:y, L.aal Go~amw C Dw <br /> (If unit does not have an audit taommieee, this stsaion should be <br />- - (St~snss) ntarked'N/A.') <br /> Dare <br />- :~° This imtrutttent has heat preaudited in the manner required by <br /> The Local Government budget tdtd Ftsal Conuol Aa yr by the <br /> School Budget and Fiscal Control AR <br /> GoveromatW IJoit Fiaaatt OHlcer (%tare type err prim ewe) <br /> (~ltnMwe) <br /> Data <br />- (Pmtudu een;fiaro taw 6e dated.) <br />
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