Orange County NC Website
5 <br />Dest~n <br />These four condonuruum units are reasonably sized, fur~tional and agr~tive and will fit well with the <br />surrounding neighbort~ood. The single largest impact is that they wiq replace four condemned mobile <br />homes with a history of drug activity. The amractive design wiq complement two new two-story units <br />recently built at the won of Pine Hiq Drive and Main Street. Bugdng plans are attached. We wiq <br />construct two units with elevation 2 and two with elevation 3. Each unit will have vinyl siding, front and rear <br />decks, and will be landscaped appropriately. Because these are two story units they will not be accessible <br />tp individuals wikh mobilrty impairments. Units will meet NC HFA Energy Standards. <br />Commun' <br />EmPOWERment, Inc, has maintained contact with od~er non-profit developers such as Habikat for <br />Humanity and Orange Community Housing Corporation b coordinate appgcations for Bond funds. This <br />project grows out of nearly two years of experience providing affordable housing th working farr~es in <br />Orange County, and has been tailored tri address the needs of farrtilies in our Homebuyers Club. These <br />units wiq be sold th graduates of this infiensive five-week program, and wiq have worked exfiensively with <br />our staff th prepare for the challenges and oppor6unitieS of homeownership. We have found that there is a <br />market for attached housing where families wiq not bear the sole burden for main6enance expenses. This <br />properly is conveniently located on Main Sheet in Carrboro, with dose proxirrdty th bus routes, shopping <br />and other services. No provisions have been made for supportive services because the primary need of <br />these farr~lies is simply affordable housing. Should any famgy require addria'onal assistance we wiU work <br />with them th secure supportive services. <br />EmPOWERmerrt, Inc. has played a strong role in local ~scussions and planning about a~Ordable housing, <br />including the Bond Task Force, the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Trust among others. <br />Development Team and Devebper Experience <br />F1nPOWERmer~ Inc. wr~l serve ~ the ownerJdeveloper of the Pine Hip project, and wql market the four <br />units th graduates of o~ Homebuyers Club. In the past 18 months ~ have helped 16 farrr~es ~ buy their <br />first home. By month's end, three additional families wip become homers. We are ~+owing quiddy <br />while maintaining high standards for excellence in our work. Our Hon~ebuyers Club has now served oar <br />125 families and we r~ecentiy launched our fist class in Spanish. As you wip see from the attached <br />irnormation about oru Horrreowrnrrship Program, EmPOWERmerd, Inc., has leveraged significant funding. <br />th promotie affoordable housing in Orange County. In the past year alone we have secured $100,000 in <br />second mortgage financing from the NC Housing Fnance Agency, nearly X300,000 in k~wirrterest loans <br />from the Mr~4uley Institu6e, $50,000 in low-intierest loans Trom the Marianist Sharing Fund, and signficant <br />funding from local lenders such as BB&T and Wachovia <br />Our growth and sucxess is based upon our holistic approach and our strong abilityr th forge partrterships. <br />We receive no funding from loci governments, and always 'seek project funding from a wide range ~ <br />sources th provide maximum leverage. EmPOWERment, Inc. is stratiegicagy capitalizing on our strengths <br />and assets; leveraging resources to encourage the private sec6ar m build affordable housing. We focus on <br />