Orange County NC Website
18 <br />Exhibit A <br />Property Description <br />Beginning at a stake on the southeast side of Pine Hill Drive, said stake mazking the northwest <br />comer of the property of I.W. Durham as shown on the plat hereinafter referred to; thence along <br />and with the northeast property line of I.W. Durham, South 56 degrees 52 minutes East 151.42 <br />feet to a stake; thence North 35 degrees 12 minutes East 122 feet to a stake marking the <br />southernmost comer of Lot 8 as shown on the plat hereinafter referred to; thence along and with <br />the southwest property line of said lot, North 51 degrees. 8 minutes West 95.2 feet to a stake in <br />the southeast right-of--way of Pine Hill Drive, thence along and with the southeast right-of--way <br />of Pine Hill Drive, South 47 degrees 5 minutes West 9.6 feet to a stake, the beginning of a curve; <br />thence continuing with the southeast right-of--way of Pine Hill Drive, in a general southwesterly <br />direction, along a clockwise curve having a radius of 169.87 feet, a distance of 79.86 feet to a <br />stake; thence continuing with the southeast right-of--way of Pine Hill Drive, South 62 degrees 27 <br />minutes West 65.4 feet to a stake mazking the northwest comer of the property of I.W. Durham <br />the point and place of beginning, and BEING all of Lot 9, P1NE HILL DEVELOPMENT, <br />Property of I.W. Durham, as per plat and survey thereof by William E. Dopier, Registered <br />Surveyor, dated January 9, 1961, and recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 45, Orange County Registry, <br />to which plat reference is hereby made for a mare particulaz description. <br />