Orange County NC Website
C~oo7 <br />2000 C&D RECYCLING GRANTS <br />SCOFF OF WORK <br />Chapel Hill 2000 C&D Recycling Grant <br />Contract dates: February 1, 2000 -January 31, 2001 <br />The Scope of Work for this project is as follows: <br />1. Prepare and send to the Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental <br />Assistance a work plan far the project within thirty (30) days after the contract has <br />been signed. The wank plan should include a complete project schedule and be based <br />on Chapel Hill's Grant Proposal and should include the following: <br />• A description of the proposed project <br />• Increased tons of material to be diverted from disposal over the contract <br />period. <br />• Number of jobs to be created <br />• Increased revenue as a result of the project <br />• Contract budget <br />2. Sort wood waste at the Orange County landfill. <br />3. Contract with Charles Blythe Equipment Co. Inc. to grind the wood waste. <br />~1. .Obtain all applicable permits from the appropriate regulatory' agencies. <br />S. Document to the extent feasible the amount of waste reduction [ur "tons <br />recycled" ar something similar] as a result of the grant project. <br />6. Actively promote the project through presentations at professional conferences, <br />community meetings, and trade association meetings. <br />7. Ensure that all publications produced as a result of this grant award are printed <br />on recycled paper (with at Ieast 3Q% post-consumer content) and explicitly <br />state: "Funding fax this project was provided in part through a grant from the <br />North Carolina Division of Pollution Prevention and Environmental Assistance, <br />Department of Environment and Natural Resources." <br />Submit a draft copy of the report, double-sfded and on recycled paper (with at <br />Least 30% post-consumer content), to the Division of Pollution Prevention and <br />Environmental Assistance for: review on or before December 31, 2000. Prepare a <br />final report, double-sided and on recycled paper (with at least 3U% post- <br />consumer content), to be submitted to the Division of Pollution Prevention and <br />Environmental Assistance on or before January 31, 2001. The final report should <br />ATTACHMENT <br />