Orange County NC Website
NORTH CAROLINa DEPARTMBNT OF <br />ENYIRONMBNT ANO NATURAL RESOURCES <br />Of~ifldl~N CP' PC4LVTIQN PAdYlSNTIgN ANd 6NYlRQNMIlNTAL A39f~T~~ <br />January 3, 20Q0~ <br />Chapel Hill <br />30b N Colunbia St <br />Chapel Hi11, NC 275 ]. 82113 <br />Deaz Blair Pollock: <br />We are pleased, to announce that your proposal far a~Canstruction and <br />DenLOliti,on Debris Recycling Grant has been selected for finding. ~J'e apologize <br />for the tune it took to notify you of this award. The grant process was very <br />competitive and the Department review process took longer than we expected. In <br />all, 17 proposals rotating S2Tg,700 have been funded out of $ total application pool <br />of 22 pmpasals requesting a totes of $512,633. <br />Y~Te are now initialing the process to establish a grant contract. Soon you <br />should receive two copies of the contract, including a detailed scope of work <br />outlining your project obligations. '9Vhen the contract comes, read it closely, sign <br />it, and send it back to our Deparm-ent's Purchase and Contracts Section. You are <br />then officially authorized to begin your project and receive funds from the grant <br />award. Please note that grant funds are distributed on a reirnbwrsement basis and <br />that ten percent of grant funds are withheld until complettiotl of a satisfactory final <br />zeport. <br />You will also soon be contacted 'by the person vn our staff who will be your <br />main contact for any questions about your grant or any technical assistance you <br />may need. We stand ready to help your project be successful in any way we can, so <br />please do n.ot hesitate to call your grant contact with, any question you may have. <br />We are very excited about your project and look forward to its <br />implementation.. Thank you for your efforts to reduce waste in your local <br />community and in North Carolina.. Congratulations on your winning proposal. <br />Sincerely, <br />7ohrt S. Blaisdell, Recycling Market Development Specialist <br />Division of Pollution Pxeventian and Environmental Assistance <br />1690 MRIL fi6BY1Ge C~NTEq, RALEImN~ NpRTM CAgOLINA 276A9.1890 <br />- -, ^_. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ PMOMei 91 fi-71 tl•fifi00 cq figp-78"J•a 1 BB PAXc D1 P-71 L.97fi4 gowastB(~020ave.ora <br />