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affordable housing issues. When the need to make decisions about extension of sewer service to other <br />developments does arise, it will be important for the BOCC's values to be reflected in the sewer <br />system's rules of operation. <br />VL Efland Sewer Svstem Expansion to serve other_Etland_development nroiects <br />As indicated eazlier, there are other developments in the Efland area which aze currently in the planning <br />stage. One development could receive sewer service by tapping onto existing sewer lines. Extension of <br />service to another subdivision will involve the developer financed construction of a large network of <br />gravity sewer mains with connection to the existing Efland system requiring the use of a pumping/lift <br />station. The total projected buildout for these two subdivisions could reach approximately 325 <br />residential units. The total daily sewer demand for 325 units is projected to be approximately b5,000 <br />gpd. If both subdivision are ultimately approved with municipal sewer service, the total average daily <br />wastewater flow from Efland -accounting for existing flow, flow from the bond expansion area and <br />from the Habit project - is estimated to approach 125,004 gpd or one-third of the total contractual <br />wastewater treatment allocation from Hillsborough. It is projected that sewer flow from the remaining <br />phases of the original Efland master plan would consume an additional 100,000 to 150,000 gpd of the <br />wastewater treatment allocation from Hillsborough. This would leave 100,000 to 150,000 gpd of <br />wastewater treatment capacity to be allocated to the Buckhorn Road EDD. <br />It is unlikely that the entire projected sewer demand from the new subdivisions, including Richmond <br />Hills, would be seen within the next five years. At ;this time, it is unknown as to how well the timing of <br />the demand from these subdivisions will mesh with the demand for wastewater treatment capacity from <br />other subdivisions located in or neaz Hillsborough or with the expansion of Hillsborough's wastewater <br />treatment capacity. The time-related effects of the: a) proposed extensions of the Efland system; and <br />b) expansion of Hillsborough's wastewater treatment capacity as they impact the wastewater treatment <br />capacity necessary to develop the remaining phases of the Efland sewer system and the Buckhorn Raad <br />EDD aze likewise unknown. <br />If I may provide additional information, please advise. <br />