Orange County NC Website
V. Efland Sewer_System E~cpansion to serve_the Richmond Hills (Habitat Project) <br />A recently submitted subdivision plan for a Habitat for Humanity project (Richmond Hills) proposes to <br />extend the sewer system to provide wastewater collection for more than 40 homes. The Habitat <br />property has Richmond Road frontage and is contiguous to existing sewer line lying within Richmond <br />Road. The zoning and Land Use plans for the area allow sewer extensions to serve the property and <br />providing of sewer service does not conflict with the County Water and Sewer Policy. Furthermore, at <br />least the southern portion of the property lies within the sewer service area designated within the <br />original, but never adopted, Efland Sewer master plan. Currently, there is no sewer capacity issue <br />related to,extending sewer service to Richmond Hills. Total sewer flow from the subdivision should not <br />exceed 8500 gpd, which is well within the Efland system's pumping capacity, the contractual <br />wastewater treatment reserve and Hillsborough's available treatment capacity. <br />The preliminary plans for Richmond Hills do show that Habitat proposes to access a portion of the <br />sewer system that is not contiguous to its property but lies on the Efland Cheeks elementary school <br />property. To obtain access to this particular segment of the existing wastewater collection system, <br />Habitat will have to obtain a short section of permanent access and temporary construction easement <br />across school property. <br />It is clear that development of all of 40 (+/_) lots in the Richmond Hills subdivision will require that <br />wastewater be pumped from the subdivision into a nearby segment of the existing gravity wastewater <br />collection system. It is less clear as to how the wastewater collection and pumping system should be <br />designed. Typical or standard engineering design would generally entail using a network of gravity <br />mains to provide wastewater collection at each house. This network would eventually discharge <br />wastewater into a pumping or lift station from which a Force main that would convey wastewater to an <br />existing section of the wastewater collection/treatment system. Use of a gravity wastewater collection. <br />system with a pumping/lift station has, in fact, been proposed by the engineering consultants for Habitat. <br />There are a number of disadvantages to using pump stations, however. The nuisance value of <br />wastewater pumping stations. (they are often a source of unpleasant odors; they require constant and <br />frequent preventive maintenance attention; they experience equipment failures that tend to be time <br />consuming, complicated and expensive to repair; and sewerage spills at pumping stations represent the <br />overwhelming majority of all wastewater spill incidents) ensures that utility operators avoid using them <br />whenever possible. The nuisance issues associated with a pumping station at Richmond Hills are <br />exacerbated by several other factors, the most important of which is that Orange County does not have <br />its own pump station maintenance personal or an emergency response capability to address pump station <br />failures or wastewater overflow/spill incidents. <br />There may also be some larger planning/utility issues associated with a County approval of a pumping <br />station for the Richmond Hills subdivision. The decision to approve a pump station may set a precedent <br />for approving and extending sewer service to other subdivisions that would not be viable without the <br />availability of municipal sewer service that could only be made available through the use of a gravity <br />collection/pumping station sub-system. If the County does approve a pumping station system for one <br />subdivision, it may have difficulty denying the use of a similaz system for similazly situated subdivisions <br />seeking access to the Efland sewer system. Currently, there is at least one other major subdivision in the <br />Efland that is in the planning stage and that may propane the use of a pumping station to obtain sewer <br />service from the Efland sewer system. <br />