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4 <br />wastewater pumping stations owned and operated by the respective companies and farce mains <br />(partially owned by Orange County) installed in public rights-of--way. All other sewer services provided <br />since system construction have consisted primarily of residential taps at properties adjacent to existing <br />sewer lines, although one commercial tap was permitted into the system force main by special action of <br />the BOCC. <br />Existing sewer system extension/expansion policy is somewhat vague. The current requirements of the <br />system's rules of operation can be summarized as: <br />1) extensions be consistent with overall system plans adopted from time to time by the BOCC (no <br />system plan, including the original, has been adopted/approved by the County) <br />2) extensions must meet all applicable zoning, subdivision, land use and comprehensive plan <br />regulations of the County and the Town of Hillsborough; <br />3) all extensions must be consistent with the County's goal of prohibiting water and sewer utility in <br />water quality critical areas, except to address emergency situations; <br />4) all extensions must be installed in compliance with approved plans and inspected by Orange County; <br />5) the ownership of all system infrastructure, along with easements, etc., must be conveyed to Orange <br />County without cost to the County. <br />There are currently no requirements for establishing perpetual maintenance funds or any similar <br />instrument to provide permanent financing for maintenance of high maintenance equipment (such as <br />pumping stations) that serve only individual subdivisions or limited portions of the community. There <br />aze no guidelines, other than those listed above and those general guidelines contained in the County <br />Water and Sewer Policy, for determining where expansions are permitted and how an expansion azea <br />should be located in relationship or physical proximity to existing infrastructure or service azeas. <br />Staff has compiled a list of land use, infrastructure and planning concerns that the BOCC may wish to <br />see ultimately reflected in the policies and rules of operation for the Efland sewer system, including: <br />a) Adjacency of expansion areas to existing system infrastructure <br />b) Designated service areas <br />c) Ultimate limits of sewer availability <br />d) Where easements are available <br />e) Where the system can be constructed with low initial and maintenance costs <br />f) Preferred sewer system designs to reduce cost (i.e. multiple sewage lift stations versus gravity and <br />`step systems') <br />g) Phased growth <br />h) Type of development (i. e. cluster, affordable housing, etc. ) <br />i) Implications of sewer extensions on Efland area (i.e. new growth, potential and its effects) <br />j) Servicing of Buckhorn EDD (including examination of uses) <br />k) Status of Orange-Alamance Water System water supply and its ability to complement Boazd of <br />County Commissioners sewer system policies <br />1) Mebane-Orange County intergovernmental coordination aspects of utility expansion. <br />