Orange County NC Website
ono <br />2 Davis said that the Planning Board would have this meeting or the next meeting to make a <br />3 recommendation about the text amendments. <br />4 <br />5 Selkirk asked if it says anywhere that there would be a provision for some access points on a public street. <br />6 Davis said that there was a section in the ordinance that addresses this. <br />7 <br />8 McAdams asked about the ten-year review period and clarified that subdivisions with a sixth lot in the <br />9 third year are considered major subdivisions. <br />10 <br />11 Strayhorn said that the abuses of the minor subdivisions have been magnified. He said that the ten-year <br />12 waiting period bothers him because it could force some people to have a major subdivision and sell all of <br />13 their land. He would like to address some of the problems of the minor subdivisions without the ten-year <br />14 waiting period. <br />1$ <br />16 McAdams thinks that ten years is excessive. <br />17 <br />18 Woods said that it seems that probabilities are being weighed. He said that someone could come in and <br />19 dodge the process or a landowner that needs help would not be able to get it quickly. He is sympathetic to <br />20 the property owner who needs to subdivide quickly and easily. <br />21 <br />22 Forrest Heath, Jr., a landowner in Orange County, made reference to a notice in the paper that described <br />23 the regulations that are being discussed. He said that he approached the Planning Department five days <br />24 before the public hearing to ask for a copy of the exact verbiage that was to be discussed and it was not <br />25 available to the public. He said that the public did not know what was going to be discussed and therefore <br />26 had no input to the changes. He said that a lot more restrictions are being placed on property owners and <br />27 he feels that there has not really been a public forum to discuss the changes. He strongly disagrees with <br />28 this. <br />29 ' <br />30 Benedict said that the public hearing process was on February 28, 2000 for oral public input. The public <br />31 still has the ability to provide written testimony and comments for considerations. He said that <br />32 timeframes were part of a previous public hearing that went back to August 23, 1999. He said that <br />33 tonight the issues are the ten-year period and the concept plan approval. <br />34 <br />35 Chair Allison said that he was a little leery about the ten-year period. <br />36 <br />37 Katz suggested making a recommendation to approve this with the consideration that the County <br />38 Commissioners recoasider the ten-year period to reduce it. <br />39 <br />40 Discussion ensued on how long the review period for subdivisions should be. <br />41 <br />42 . Gooding-Ray asked about the Planning staffs rationale behind the ten years. <br />43 <br />44 Benedict said that other towns and counties were researched and most of the subdividing is done for <br />4S landowners' children. Ten years seemed to be a reasonable amount of time. Some of the towns and <br />46 counties have no time lnnits. He made reference to the limited access to public roads. <br />47 <br />48 Strayhorn said that he agrees with the limited access to public roads, and asked if the subdivisions could <br />49 just have one access, and any future subdividing would have to use that access. Benedict said that the <br />50 staff is working on some master planning to deal with this issue. <br />51 <br />52 Goodwin suggested taking two separate votes; one vote far the amendments and a senararP ~~rP f„r +~,p <br />~~ <br />